Help a noob part 2 - Daz content bundles not accessible

in New Users
Hi Guys. I bought a bundle of dog models from the Daz marketplace and ran through the download manager process. I restarted Daz studio 4.8 but the files do not show as accessible in the product or file tabs. See attached. Other products I have purchase like the millenium dog LE and millenium cat LE showed up just fine. Any help appreciated!

daz question.jpg
628 x 1267 - 852K
Nevermind...I figured it out! I forgot about the distinction between models and surfaces. Once I put the millenium dog in the scene I was able to browse to contents library and double click on the breed I wanted, which then applied textures to the model. Told you guys I was a noob!
I have done that too. glad you got it figured out!