install manager throws away files on uninstall

if I find a file I put in the wrong place or just want to move somewhere else... half the time when I it the  uninstall the manager throws the files away and they end up in the download list instead of the install list.
tonight I decided to make an iray folder ... so I un-installed about 12 iray shaders lights etc... and wham half of them are now back in the download list.
no auto installs, no delete after install set.
is this special?


  • Are you sure Delete after install wasn't set when you originally installed? That woudl be when the zip was deleted.

  • if it was, it came in as the default when the new manager was installed... and maybe I didn't catch it right away...
    my connection is too slow to throw away anything I've downloaded.

    I did move to a new computer and had to copy the install stuff so it knew what was in and may have lost some data.
    I have the data on an external disk, but when I first started the new machine daz wanted to reinstall all 5000 items so I found where the info was stored and copied them over to the next download manager location. 
    but the package dates of the item that I had to redown load last night spanned july and august and september.
    hopefully I won't have to uninstall anything more... 

    but the new manager was only install about two weeks ago...  so it should be new items from a couple days even if it took me a couple days to notice it was set to delete after installation.
    may just set up a new drive on a computer with a fresh install of daz and just let it download everything all over again to make sure I have a complete set. 

  • there are 10,406 items in the install folder
    which should account for 5,203 items

    but 5547 installed and 155 to install
    which is 11404 or 5702 items
    so I could be missing 500 two part items... 
    but I just realized if the downloader manager wasn't in existence I might have cut way back on purchases because the overhead time was would have been too much... 

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