Rotating figures in place

in New Users
In Daz studio often I can rotate a figure nicely on its axis. But sometimes as I rotate the figure orbits the scene and comes back, or waltzes around and returns and there's no way I can position it properly. I noticed that happens when I'm in camera mode. But it also happens sometimes when perspective is selected. Any cure for this?
You could use the Joint Editor to move the centerpoint to a more reasonable position.
Often this means you have moved the figure using the hip so it is offset from the figure node, but you are then rotating using the figure node.
@fixmypcmike thanks for the tip I'll try that. @Admin how did I move the figure using the hip and where's the figure node? TIA for your response.
Both the hip and the figure node ("Genesis 3 Female" in the Scene pane, for example) haev translation controls, so whichever of them was selected when you moved the figure would be the one that changed. Dragging on a body part to move the figure will also afect the hip, not the figure node. The hip is part of the skeleton, the figure is a container for the skeleton - if that actually helps to explain.
Yes Sir that did help, thank you.