Rotating figures in place

In Daz studio often I can rotate a figure nicely on its axis.  But sometimes as I rotate the figure orbits the scene and comes back, or waltzes around and returns and there's no way I can position it properly.  I noticed that happens when I'm in camera mode. But it also happens sometimes when perspective is selected. Any cure for this?


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    You could use the Joint Editor to move the centerpoint to a more reasonable position.

  • Often this means you have moved the figure using the hip so it is offset from the figure node, but you are then rotating using the figure node.

  • @fixmypcmike thanks for the tip I'll try that.  @Admin how did I move the figure using the hip and where's the figure node? TIA for your response.

  • Both the hip and the figure node ("Genesis 3 Female" in the Scene pane, for example) haev translation controls, so whichever of them was selected when you moved the figure would be the one that changed. Dragging on a body part to move the figure will also afect the hip, not the figure node. The hip is part of the skeleton, the figure is a container for the skeleton - if that actually helps to explain.

  • Both the hip and the figure node ("Genesis 3 Female" in the Scene pane, for example) haev translation controls, so whichever of them was selected when you moved the figure would be the one that changed. Dragging on a body part to move the figure will also afect the hip, not the figure node. The hip is part of the skeleton, the figure is a container for the skeleton - if that actually helps to explain.

    Yes Sir that did help, thank you.

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