So... not sure how to fix a bleed-through/pixellation problem...

Okay... so, I've started using the Gen3 models and IRay and, for the record, for the most part I like it a lot. I have been attempting to put a new texture on ozichick's Sexy Bodysuit and, well, it's been giving me some trouble. Now, to be completely clear- I know that the texture I'm using is not fantastic to begin with. Step by step, here's what I've been doing.
First, I found a line art picture to use:
Next, I colored and multiplied it... let's call it several times:
I used the bigger image to make a bump map:
...and a displacement map:
And then I tried making a test render with it.
This is what normal, bump, and displacement got me:
While I am mostly satisfied with this, I notice that the lines near the dark red portions are both blurry and bleeding into the area; does anyone have any ideas what I could do to clean this up so it doesn't look like smudged charcoal?
The is no point in having the bump map as the displacement is just a contrast and lightness adjusted copy of the bump.
Thanks for taking the time to answer me!
I'm not disputing what you're saying; I used the bump and displacement maps together because that's typically what's been recommended. I note, also, that OziChick's sexybodysuit uses both, so I kind of assumed there was a reason. That said, this does not answer my real question: is there anything that can be done to clean up the lines so they don't look smudged?
Make your displacement map 32 bit grey scale TIFF and do a touch of averaging in your paint program, this should smooth out the displacement.
Okay, now we're getting somewhere. :)
I'm using adobe photoshop to make the displacement map, but I've saved it as a jpeg file; I can save the displacement file as a .tiff easily enough, or I can remake the displacement map using the original color picture (not sure if it would make any difference). I don't see any option to choose what bit-size the file saves at, though, and, I confess, I'm not sure what you mean by averaging. What should I be averaging? Light and dark? Brightness and contrast? Levels?
Sorry if I seem useless, here- there's a reason I'm posting in the noob forums...
Actually 32 bit is a little overkill, 16 bit is enough and more paint programs are likely to have that option. I don't have PhotoShop so I wouldn't know how to change it in that.. Once you change from an 8 bit 256 level grey scale to a 16 bit 65,536 level grey scale you want to average out the old course looking levels.
As well as the greater bit depth/resolution... the bump and displacement cover some of the same areas, which may not get you the effect you want.
Its probably also contributing a bit to the bleed problem. I think that's what jestmart was getting at.
Be more specific about which areas the bump applies to for e.g. only the internal parts of the pulley wheels and a little inner shadow.