Shadows are... well... not too bright!

Hello again fellow DS Users smiley


     Recently I'm trodding my way through the issue of shadows or rather lack of them in my scene...

     I am currently trying to render a simple scene with a distant light and a Uber Environment 2 ambient light which is enriched by three fill lights of spotlight type.

     I was expecting my figure lit by a distant light (which has 120% power, when I crank this value down the scene gets just too dark as for an outdoor scene) to cast a visible shadow on the ground but it's just not there! Uber light and fill lights are toned down as they should be (80% and 45% respectively) but there's no shadow that should come from the distant light at all!

     I'm slightly annoyed right now because DAZ Studio seems to be the only graphics program that I know off in which shadows need to be actually turned on somehow... I mean... hello? frown

     Please let me know how I can fix this issue. I want a nice key light in my scene and object shadows from it. What should I do?




  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    Are you rendering with Iray or 3Delight?

    Uber Environment 2 ambient light doesn't work with the Iray renderer and the other lights are set up differently too.

  • For now I am using 3Delight and seeing what happens are afraid to switch to IRay. wink I should also probably mention that when I entered some wild values into things I got the shadows at the cost of having my character's skin rendered unbearably red. indecision

    I can't seem to achieve shadows even in dumb, emptified test renders with distant and uber being the only lights!

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    In 3dlight you can simply switch on the shadows in the light editor tab there is shadow listed. I usually make it raytraced shadows. And I sometimes find it rather useful to not have shadows on all my lights.

  • No, I'm also far from that. :) I only want the distant light to cast shadows, although I have a vague feeling that the shadow is switched on... :/

  • prixatprixat Posts: 1,590
    edited October 2015

    I get a realistic shadow with distant light at 100% and UE2 at 40% intensity. (Raytraced shadows, obviously.laugh

    BTW what surface settings do you use for the floor that is recieving the shadow?

    600 x 337 - 172K
    Post edited by prixat on
  • The more reason for me to raise my eyebrows... frown I'm doing just the same... I think...

    I'm not sure what surface settings do you mean, so tell me what do you have in mind. smiley I'm trying to render a scene with Predatron's Gatehouse; Distant light shines from the right side and I have no shadow on the dirt cast by my character.

    I'll try to upload pics with my settings later.

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    in 3delight, you need to go to each light source [you want] and specifically turn the shadows on. by default, no light casts shadows.

    you can go to the lighting tab and select the light source you want to cast a shadow. In the light's options [somewhere] you will see "cast shadows" which will be set to "none", switch it to raytraced (I don't even know why they have the mapped option as it usually causes problems)

  • Thanks for contributing so eagerly to the solution of my problem guys. I am happy to report all is well now. wink

    I made my lights from scratch using the settings prixat suggested and got a nice daylight with shadows and all. I think I've just overadjusted the settings at first and it caused the problem. Experiment with moderation! wink

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