Daz Studio Pro BETA - version!



  • RAMWolff said:
    mjc1016 said:
    RAMWolff said:
    jakiblue said:

    Question: with the new encrypted files, does this mean I will no longer be able to open a .duf file in a text editor, fix a file pathing problem and save it - thereby ensuring I can use the product until the update comes in?

    This is a good question, please DAZ don't ignore it.  I too want to know about this.................

    That's exactly what it means...it has been answered, but what hasn't been completely answered is whether or not that is doable with the Script Editor in Studio...it's sort of been implied that maybe it can.

    No, it can't be edited in the DAZ Studio Script editor. I didn't mean to imply that, if I inadvertently did. 

    Then how are we supposed to edit files if they are locked down (encrypted)?

    What specific use case is there for that? I have seen one list, and none of the things listed actually need access to the file. 

    Maybe for those 2 to 5 percent that like doing it that way???? sorry I had to say that. I have done this also so I guess I am (but I have also done it within Studio (its not as easy to find in studio because of lack of documentation). But people get used to editing these files (and I guess thats the point we are trying to make., in some cases its harder for some of use to do it your way because in the past there wasnt options to do it in studio and we got used to it our way)

  • Okay, I'm looking at the "edit preference" window and I see a tab for cms settings, could someone explain what it is, plus what is cluster directory and port. How does this affect Studio and the content library, and computer.

    Hold my hand ....

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401


    Okay, I'm looking at the "edit preference" window and I see a tab for cms settings, could someone explain what it is, plus what is cluster directory and port. How does this affect Studio and the content library, and computer.

    Hold my hand ....

    You don't want to edit that.  That's information about where their database will store its data, and unless you're running your own instance of PostgreSQL (I've done that a few times with DAZ Studio, to try stuff out), you really don't want to edit that.

    CMS is Content Management System.  The 'cluster directory' is essentially where the internal database will store its highly optimized index of information that lets DAZ Studio provide Smart Content and a ton of related features.  Content Library uses the database for categories, and some other features IIRC.  The only effect on your computer is that the database server will start up when you run a program (DAZ Studio, Install Manager) that talks to it, and it will shut down when the last program closes.

    I think they put it in the UI 'cause there were a few nutcases like me who wanted to put it all in a central PostgreSQL server... :blush:

    --  Morgan


  • Arnold CArnold C Posts: 740

    In your example if the company that produced the CD disappears and the CD gets damaged, do you still have the music?

    Um... yes. But I guess that depends on where one resides. In my country it's considered legal to make a backup copy of f.e. music CD's, as long as it is strictly for your own and private purpose and you keep it just for yourself, don't sell it or give it to somebody else. Additionally, our Windows Media Player allows one to extract the audio from a CD and save it in various formats, including mp3. I guess the US version of Window$ is shipped with the same functionality.

    A question, that might or might not hasn't been asked already (don't have the time to read all of the 555,000 posts here):

    Will your new Connect solution allow one to filter out stuff he/she wouldn't need, like old Poser-specific data formats, which don't work that well in DS anyways, or renderer-specific shaders (3Delight/Iray), which he or she tends to remove manually 'cause they're nothing more than a waste of disk space/corpses in the Smart Content? I'd really hate if I had to remove all the things over and over again when an update drops that into my library. DIM couldn't do it for obvious reasons, but as you said Connect will do a DL/update per file, it would be a customer-friendly solution.

  • CypherFOX said:


    Okay, I'm looking at the "edit preference" window and I see a tab for cms settings, could someone explain what it is, plus what is cluster directory and port. How does this affect Studio and the content library, and computer.

    Hold my hand ....

    You don't want to edit that.  That's information about where their database will store its data, and unless you're running your own instance of PostgreSQL (I've done that a few times with DAZ Studio, to try stuff out), you really don't want to edit that.

    CMS is Content Management System.  The 'cluster directory' is essentially where the internal database will store its highly optimized index of information that lets DAZ Studio provide Smart Content and a ton of related features.  Content Library uses the database for categories, and some other features IIRC.  The only effect on your computer is that the database server will start up when you run a program (DAZ Studio, Install Manager) that talks to it, and it will shut down when the last program closes.

    I think they put it in the UI 'cause there were a few nutcases like me who wanted to put it all in a central PostgreSQL server... :blush:

    --  Morgan

    Thanks for holding my hand, CypherFox, I was just worried of loose data adding to my bandwidth use. Off to bed. I havn't used the Connect to download anything, yet. Trying to figure out where to tell it to download.

  • wowiewowie Posts: 2,029
    edited October 2015

    Tried the beta DS4.9.

    Oren Nayar is still only available as a specular BSDF. #191313 Shader Mixer - Oren Nayar BSDF

    Diffuse brick is still Lambert Diffuse. So no changes there.

    Default render settings for 3delight is the same (Progressive - Off, Gamma Correction - Off, Gain/Gamma - 1.0).

    Some performance data:

    DS4.7 - 17 minutes 4.77 seconds

    DS4.9 - 15 minutes 53.19 seconds

    Not much of an improvement.

    Will check raycaching later. #192012 Bug Report - DAZ Studio doesn't pass GI ray cache attributes to 3Delight

    Post edited by wowie on
  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,677
    edited October 2015

    On page 16 of the other thread, DAZ_Rawb said 

    Being able to download unencrypted zips for your current products is planned to be available forever, when those purchases were made even though it isn't explicitly stated in the EULA you purchased with the assumption that you could get that unencrypted zip. Changing the rules post-purchase is just not something a nice company does and I like to think we are a nice company. DIM will still be usable for many years to come, I'm not going to give it the forever guarantee because it does require some additional server resources and the like so if the usage drops to infinitesimal levels we may take those servers offline.


    So I guess for a few years we are safe from forced encryption, I hope lol.  

    Post edited by TheKD on
  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    And how 'fast' is 'fixes should be available faster"? Instantaneous? Customer Service and Tech Support are going to go to 24 hour service? I buy a product at 3pm Australia time - that's midnight in the States. I have to wait another 9 hours for DAZ to open, for customer service to get around to my bug report, another however long for it be fixed, and then available for d/l? But I want to use the product NOW at 3pm when I bought it.  

    Quote: If you aren't moving files there is less need for path fixes. And bug fixes are easier to send to you this way. 

    Rubbish. We're talking about the incorrect file paths that sneak through QA. The ones where the file is pointing towards Runtime/Textures/FredSmith/Dress, when it SHOULD be pointing towards Runtime/Textures/FredSmith/Dress/Green Dress. THEY are the file path fixes we are referring to - CORRECTING an error in the product that got through QA. NOT changing file paths for them to point towards where WE want our stuff. Folders that DO NOT get moved or changed are Textures, Data, Geometries. We don't touch those. But too many times a product hits the store where a path is referencing a jpg from ANOTHER product - and perhaps QA didn't pick it up cos they already have that other product installed and don't notice. And I don't have that product so applying a MAT it stutters cos it wants the bump map from the vendors other product that I don't have. 

    mjc1016 said:
    mjc1016 said:
    RAMWolff said:
    jakiblue said:

    Question: with the new encrypted files, does this mean I will no longer be able to open a .duf file in a text editor, fix a file pathing problem and save it - thereby ensuring I can use the product until the update comes in?

    This is a good question, please DAZ don't ignore it.  I too want to know about this.................

    That's exactly what it means...it has been answered, but what hasn't been completely answered is whether or not that is doable with the Script Editor in Studio...it's sort of been implied that maybe it can.

    No, it can't be edited in the DAZ Studio Script editor. I didn't mean to imply that, if I inadvertently did. 

    Ok...then I guess fixing path errors is a thing of the past.  But there shouldn't be many of those with Connect content, any way, right?

    And fixes should be available faster. 


  • Hi just a quick question on how will this affect me? (if at all)

    I create my characters inside of studio (group/rig/weightmap)

    and from what i read so far all this encrption done on your end and i'm still good to go with creating my figures in studio and exporting to other formats untouched correct?

    just need to be 100% sure before I start a new little guy today/night.


    thank you .

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    chk2033 said:

    Hi just a quick question on how will this affect me? (if at all)

    I create my characters inside of studio (group/rig/weightmap)

    and from what i read so far all this encrption done on your end and i'm still good to go with creating my figures in studio and exporting to other formats untouched correct?

    just need to be 100% sure before I start a new little guy today/night.


    thank you .

    Yes, it has been said, several times, that user generated content will not be encrypted.

  • Thanks...and just yes was enough...i dont troll forums obviously i didnt see it thats why i asked.

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited October 2015


    chk2033 said:

    Thanks...and just yes was enough...i dont troll forums obviously i didnt see it thats why i asked.

    I think it's just that it's something DAZ has been very careful to emphasize, not that you're expected to have seen it in the something-like-1100 posts so far on this... :)

    --  Morgan

    Post edited by CypherFOX on
  • linvanchenelinvanchene Posts: 1,382

    The potential

    I see a huge potential in "DAZ connect" to make things A LOT easier especially for customers who own 1000+ products.

    To see previews from allready purchased but not installed products directly in the Smart Content Tab is extremely helpful.

    With the right filters and a strict logical category system this could be a huge help and improvement to find very specific products very quickly with minimal effort:


    - add filters to hide all products that are not DAZ Originals

    - add filters to hide or show all products from specific generations (Gen4, Genesis 1, 2, 3)

    - add the options to combine several filters (example: Show Genesis 2 + wardrobe:shirts + DAZ Original items)

    - add options to show only products from a specific artist

    - meaningfull new categories can be added when needed (example HDR backgrounds in environments)

    - - -

    The current official metadata guidelines set by DAZ3D

    The current metadata category guidelines introduced somewhere between 2012 and 2013 can be viewed by everyone:


    From my experience as a rule of thumb one can say:

    - most Genesis 1 items do NOT follow those guide lines

    - the majority of Genesis 2 items has up to date metadata but a few strugglers mess up the database

    - Most items with SKU 16'000+ featured up to date metadata categories

    - Most items released after January 2014 featured up to date metadata categories.

    With the DIM the customers had the option to install only those items that feature up to date metadata and simply uninstall any product that featured outdated categories.

    In addtion the customers had the choice to create and customize metadata so old outdated products not updated by DAZ also followed the guidelines.

    On my old workstation I had 3000+ DAZ products installed an each and every one of those was up to date.

    There was not a single item to be found in the category "unassigned".

    I had a clean database system that actually followed the exact rules that were described in the official DAZ3D wiki documents.

    - - -

    The risk of non optional category downloads from the cloud

    BUT there is a huge risk that things are made actually worse if the rules and categories set by DAZ3D are actually not followed by the artists or the DAZ metadata team.

    As some first tests with DAZ Studio 4.9 have shown ALL categories used in every product the customers purchased are actually downloaded from the cloud to the local database.

    - Instead of having one category for people, animals and creatures there are now once again two entries for each of those

    - Instead of just having the new category "footwear" there is an addtional outdated category "shoes"

    - instead of the category "materials" there is once again "presets:materials"

    - simple spelling errors as well add duplicate entries: the user find products placed in Sci-Fi and SciFi

    As far as I know the user has NO OPTION to prevent that unwanted and outdated metadata categories are once again installed in the local database.

    A database is only helpful if it follows a strict logical category system without any exception.

    Currently instead of following one logiic of sorting content at least two different systems are mixed.

    All the unresolved category issues from the past were now dropped on every system the moment the user clicked connect.


    DAZ_Vince said:

    Are all products Daz Connect ready?

    New products, as well as a huge selection of older products, will be offered through Daz Connect right away, with more of the older products having Daz Connect support added in the future.  Our plans are for existing products that have been offered through non-Daz Connect methods to continue to be offered in those ways as well as through Daz Connect.  New products will begin to migrate toward a Daz Connect-only delivery.

    I fail to understand why DAZ keeps announcing a path to go but then takes actions that seem in direct conflict to those announcements.

    Old genesis generation products with outdated metadata categories from 2011, 2012 and 2013 should not have been added to DAZ Connect.

    Those products are NOT READY for the cloud. All the outdated duplicate categories are now forced on everyones system.


    I propose the following steps to clean up the system once and for all to prepare for the future:

    - Only a very small selection of new products is added to the DAZ CONNECT system.

    - Products that do not follow the official category guidelines are not added to DAZ CONNECT and are only available for download in either the DIM or the store product library.

    - Additional staff is added to the quality assurance and metadata team to make sure no products with duplicate or outdated categories are distributed over DAZ CONNECT.

    - - -

    The goal should be that those users who agree to only use DAZ connect to install products have a clean database without any duplicate and outdated categories.

    duplicate categories - example People.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 333K
    duplicate categories - example Sci-Fi SciFi.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 383K
    outdated categories - example Shoes Footwear.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 423K
    outdated categories - example presets materials.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 358K
  • FetitoFetito Posts: 481
    edited October 2015

    Question: So if I have my 110 GB DAZ stuff on an external HD, can I make Daz Connect replace the old files, delete it and replace it with the latest one, but placing it into the same directory on the external HDD?

    I don't want to have duplicates or wasted HDD space.

    Post edited by Fetito on
  • NathNath Posts: 2,780
    edited October 2015

    One good thing about DAZ Connect: if/when it becomes the only way to download/install it'll cut down on my 3D bill. As I understand this:

    You cannot move files around for products installed through Daz Connect. You can change the drive and/or path to which products are installed using Daz Connect, but you cannot manually re-organize the files within the product.

    it's the end of reorganising my runtime(s) so that they actually work for me and I don't have to wade through endless directories organised by vendor names, misspellings, unnecessary subdirectories, etc.

    The so-called 'benefits' are all 'meh, why would I want to do that', at least for me. Ymmv on that, but not being able to reorganise will be a dealbreaker if it ever gets that far.

    Post edited by Nath on
  • DAZ_JonDAZ_Jon Posts: 582


    I fail to understand why DAZ keeps announcing a path to go but then takes actions that seem in direct conflict to those announcements.

    Old genesis generation products with outdated metadata categories from 2011, 2012 and 2013 should not have been added to DAZ Connect.

    Those products are NOT READY for the cloud. All the outdated duplicate categories are now forced on everyones system.

    One thing you'll see throughout the beta is the metadata syncing. Basically, if you connect (or if you're connected already) Studio will be informed of, and automatically download, updated metadata. This is marked vendor data so it won't conflict or overwrite changes or user created data you make. 

    How does this help? We understand that there were lots of reasons Smart Content originally left a bad taste in peoples' mouths: unstable and self-corrupting database (no longer an issue with it being replaced with Postgres), some saw it as harder or clunky to organize (streamlined and better / more developed tools for it), and even if all those things are good, lots of bad and inconsistent meta data. That is why we have what we are calling our "Librarian". She is on a super beefy machine with every product in the store that works with Studio, and going through and cleaning up metadata for every product. We have over 3000 products with updated metadata ready to go and more fixed daily. Why is this not already pushed up? Its beta and one of the many things we need to test and see how it does, so you'll start to see those older or messed up metadata products magically fix themselves as you use the beta. This also means new products with messed up meta data can get fixed quickly and those changes propogated out as soon as they are done from the central database. I don't know how long it will all take to reach our goal of every product having good and correct metadata, but it is something we have already done a massive dent into, and you'll be seeing that come down the pipeline in the coming weeks.

  • nightwolf1982nightwolf1982 Posts: 1,146
    edited October 2015

    A warning to all - DO NOT re-import metadata in 4.9!!  I made the mistake of trying to re-import some metadata, and 4.9 failed to properly process it.  I was checking to see what was installed for V4.2, her Morphs++, and Aiko 4 from the cloud (very little it turns out) and when I was done, I used the "Uninstall from Cloud" option.  This uninstalled everything from smart content, so I re-imported the metadata.  No go, still not showing up.  In the Products listing, there was now a ? category with a bunch of blank entries in it.  V4 shows up in Products, with her files, but Aiko 4 and Morphs++ only have the product entry.  Next, loaded 4.8 and re-imported, which restored the smart content properly, but left the ? category with blank entries.

    I'm guessing this has to do with the fact that these products had multiple metadata files.

    Post edited by nightwolf1982 on
  • MiloMilo Posts: 511
    edited October 2015

    One of the biggest and most common complaints we get from customers is that they can not find their content that they just purchased. The organization in the Runtime structure and the Daz Studio native content directories is confusing to most customers. They try to restructure things in those folders, as advised in various threads, without actually understanding what they are doing and it compounds the issue. Now, not only can the customer not find their content, but because they don't know what they did, Customer Service can't point them to their own content. This ability to move files around does not fix the general problem, it makes it worse. 

    Yes, some of you have been moving things around for years, and know what you are doing, so it has worked for you, but you are the exception, not the rule, and you should not have had to do that in the first place.

    In moving files around you have been creating categories, though since there wasn't a database, it wasn't as fully functional as what Smart Content can do for you. It was the idea of being able to sort files so they were where you could find them, and only show you what worked with what is the entire idea behind "Smart Content" in the first place. 

    While you still don't have to use Smart Content, if you continue to use Install Manager, and I know change is scary, you might want to see what you can do with it, because it makes your life significantly easier and is much more powerful than just moving files around. Some of the organization schemes you guys come up with are brilliant, some you wish you could change as your content collection gets bigger. Smart Content and the database makes doing this less work so you can focus on the main purpose of the software, which is to make art. 



    I hate to say this but the smart content doesn't work well either.  Now is kinda mostly works in DS (still things don't have meta data), a well former flagship product that still has a price retail of 500 in carrara can't even do smart content for V4 just Genesis up.  This is not easier, its something that should have been addressed ages ago, back before letting venders use what ever naming structure they come up with the inconsistency then being passed down even in new content.  I appreciate the problem, but the track record of things doesn't bode well for us.  It took 2 months to get one Ron's Brushes updated due to a minor glitch that prevented install with the cloud version.  I won't bring up in detail the complete ball drop in Carrara for years now, and you want me to believe all your saying how good this is for me?  I don't have a lot of trust at this point which is a shame because I really used to be a big cheerleader for Daz.

    Post edited by Milo on
  • ZilvergrafixZilvergrafix Posts: 1,385
    edited October 2015

    21 pages!

    and...was it fixed?

    Post edited by Zilvergrafix on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    Then daz can stop offer product ver DS with DAZ connect untill ,DAZ finish their work about all meta-data

    (all product, now DAZ sell in daz shop) if it could not, after all smart content must mess up again, about new product too. 

    I do no hope to hear again and again "We will" etc about meta-data. I feel I have heared same thing at least three time.

    when daz push smart content, next daz offer DIM,  and daz change database to postgre. how many years you need?

    after DAZ offer smart content without stable meta-data.  (it drastically change, and annoy user who have used content library, I believe)

    I often asked timetable, when your work finish at least about old product, but daz can not finish yet.


    now DAZ seems have good Librarian, then I  just wait she finish work, about all product with clean stable one ruled meta-data.

    daz can announce, now daz finish about all prorucut which displayed untill 2015 octover, like that , some day?

    DAZ  need not release product ver ds 4.9, untill she finish work. (of course the stability needed to keep about all new product daz will release too)

    how do you think?

  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited October 2015

    Ok, here's a little something that I think would make DS a satisfactory experience for everyone....

    Make Daz Studio modular! You have the core, everything that is essential. The core can be the program, a content library with Starter Essentials for all main figures and 3Delight. Everything else can be OPTIONAL modules.

    Iray - Optional module

    CMS/DIM/Daz Connect - Optional modules

    Plug-ins - Optional modules

    This way, everyone can have the version of DS that THEY want. Seasoned users can pick and choose the modules they want. Newbies and anyone not sure what they need can have bundles of modules to pick from.

    As long as there is content there that anyone with the core can use, PA's can then feel free to create stuff that requires other modules. If customers looking in the store can see which modules they would require then they can choose to buy that content and download that module. Another advantage of a modular system is that modules can be updated and upgraded without the core being affected. Users are then free to carry on using DS in whatever way that they choose, they get what they want and everyone should be happy.

    Does any of this sound familiar!? If you've ever used Vue, then yes, it does! It seems to have worked well for them and I don't see why it can't work for Daz Studio

    As Daz seem fond of 'bright ideas' I figured I'd toss one in myself


    Post edited by Rogerbee on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    Rogerbee Beautifulheart

    DAZ,  about meta-data (with - DAZ connect)   I will wait a long time for you,,, wait a long time.. blush

  • cherpenbeckcherpenbeck Posts: 1,411

    So far the only advantage DAZ4.9 has in my eyes, is an improvement in rendering performance. As I understand, scenes which I make in 4.8 can be exported and rendered in 4.9. So is it possible to work with 4.8 on one computer, install 4.9 with just a minimum of basic content on a totally different machine and transfer the file just for rendering?

    Because I definitely wish to stay with my self organized categories and directories in 4.8, no matter how polished you say 4.9 might (or mightnot) be.

  • lx_2807502lx_2807502 Posts: 2,996

    The only thing I'm worried about with this is that "product suggestions" thing becoming like it was back in the Sims3 where you can't click anything without being bombarded with sales suggestions that you don't want. I assume that isn't present in this version from what I'm reading, but I hope it doesn't become something in the future.

    I didn't like the Smart Content system either, and the fact that every PA seems to want to stick things in their own organisational system makes using the default folders a nightmare too. Is the category system going to be improved? Right now so many of the add to category functions make it close and you have to go through every part of the tree from scratch, I don't know of a way to hvae it in a separate window from the normal content folders, etc.

  • Apart from the fact that I recently spent a thousand dollars on an nvidia graphics card to improve iray performance with Daz and I generally spend a ton of money at this store and others I despise DRM with a depth of revulsion that you could not possibly begin to imagine. I stayed away from Steam for a decade due to my inate dislike of DRM, though I have come to terms with them now since they have moderated their paranoia (While you, it seems, escalate yours).

    I buy from several stores (I shall not name them here in deference to rabid moderators), For each store I have a content directory, seperate from the DIM library, which is also not in the default location. Were your new "Content Protection" scheme to install to some default location of YOUR choosing I would have to rebuild my rig as I did not plan for such draconian methods. Insofar as this "encryption" goes, I would ask a few questions. What exactly are you encrypting? To quote DAZ_Spooky: 

    Hand editing files, or saving out the back end assets in an attempt to circumvent the encryption is not going to work. Nothing else changes. (What if I want to edit the file for some reason? Is there some law against this? I'm not going to sell the thing, I'm just considering the posibility of editing it... are you?)

    For example, loading a figure, changing the texture, adjusting the shaders, changing some shaping dials and saving out a character preset, material preset, shader preset, shaping preset, all still work the same. Using autofit to convert clothing, adjusting things like the smoothing modifier, and saving a wearable preset, still works exactly the same. 

    Okay, here is where you lack detail. Changing the texture - can I replace it with one the package didn't sell with? Adjusting the shader - again, can I replace it with someone else's? Can I still use one skin (UV, if you prefer) on any figure? Can I mix and match clothing from vendors or will they be pissy about that too? 

    I did see some chatter about changing maps with Gimp on older stuff still being possible with a subtext implying that it wouldn't be on DAZ Connect protected stuff. And I have to admit that I'm not entirely sanguine about the accuracy or veracity of answers given here given the previous if I'm reading it correctly: 

    Are all products Daz Connect ready?

    New products, as well as a huge selection of older products, will be offered through Daz Connect right away, with more of the older products having Daz Connect support added in the future. Our plans are for existing products that have been offered through non-Daz Connect methods to continue to be offered in those ways as well as through Daz Connect. New products will begin to migrate toward a Daz Connect-only delivery.  DAZ_Spooky's crystal ball is apparently not connected to the FAQ:

    lee_lhs said:

    » show previous quotes

    But in  the future, we won't because of the policy change that everything new will be DAZ Connect only.

    I do not have a working crystal ball and will not attempt to predict the future. 


  • I've just found out about these changes, and I have to vent my rage and frustrations here.

    This is a huge step back as far as I'm concerned. I've only just updated to 4.8 after upgrading my computer, and I've been quite enjoying getting to grips with it and trying to learn iray.

    Then I see this news. Talk about a downer.

    I, like many people here, don't allow any auto installs, updates or oganizing of ANY software on my machine. I want to be in charge of anything and everything that happens on it.
    Know that when you started providing zip files instead of exe files, I was a very happy chappy, as it was so much easier and faster to install things to where I wanted them, by just copying them in. And it's so much easier to keep them backed up and organized.
    Taking away manual installs is a huge mistake. We desperately WANT to retain this control of our libraries and content. Please do not make things more difficult for us.

    Now on to the biggy: DRM
    DRM is evil, and only serves to punish legitimate users. Heck, I don't even have a Steam account because I am so vehemently against any form of DRM. Yes this limits me to places like GOG and Humble Bundle, but I'm a stubborn son-of-a-b and don't understand how people can't see how potentially damaging DRM is. I like to know that when I buy something, I own it forever. Nobody can say for certain what the future holds, and if something has DRM on it, if the company or servers ever go down, then that content can never be used again. That's not something I will ever risk, no matter the size of the company or how well they are doing at the moment.

    I know I am probably not one your biggest spenders, what with time and money constraints, but I have still parted with several hundred dollars for your items over these last few years, because upto now I liked what you do and I like the content. And I know you're not going to listen to just one voice, but I tell you now Daz straight up, adding in any form of DRM to your products means I will not part with a penny more.

    Simple fact. But I mean it.

    Not. A. Penny.

  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631
    edited October 2015
    jag11 said:
    RAMWolff said:
    mjc1016 said:
    RAMWolff said:
    jakiblue said:

    Question: with the new encrypted files, does this mean I will no longer be able to open a .duf file in a text editor, fix a file pathing problem and save it - thereby ensuring I can use the product until the update comes in?

    This is a good question, please DAZ don't ignore it.  I too want to know about this.................

    That's exactly what it means...it has been answered, but what hasn't been completely answered is whether or not that is doable with the Script Editor in Studio...it's sort of been implied that maybe it can.

    No, it can't be edited in the DAZ Studio Script editor. I didn't mean to imply that, if I inadvertently did. 

    Then how are we supposed to edit files if they are locked down (encrypted)?

    What specific use case is there for that? I have seen one list, and none of the things listed actually need access to the file. 

    I made a script to fix the Graphic Art Cameras 'cause a fix was never made available, did this script by studing the DSF file, this is just one example, have more:

    var contentMgr = App.getContentMgr();
    var CAMERA_NAME = "/data/Age of Armour/Graphic Art Cameras/AoA_EngraveCamera/AoA Engraving Camera";
    var srcFilePath = contentMgr.findFile(CAMERA_NAME + ".dsf");
    function doFix() {
        if (srcFilePath.length == 0) {
            MessageBox.critical("Can't continue because you don't have the required 'Engrave Camera'.", "Content not installed", "&OK", "");
        var srcFile = new DzFile(srcFilePath);
        var bakFilePath = Path.changeExtension(srcFilePath, ".bak");
        var bakFile = new DzFile(bakFilePath);
        if (!bakFile.exists()) {
        if (!srcFile.open(DzFile.ReadOnly)) {
            MessageBox.critical("Could not open file.", "Open File", "&OK", "");
        var lines = srcFile.readLines();
        if (lines[11].trim() != '"modified" : "2013-08-17T18:42:17Z"') {
            MessageBox.critical("Date check failed", "Modified check", "&OK", "");
        lines[9761] = lines[9761].replace('40', '42');
        lines[9764] = lines[9764].replace('39', '41');
        lines[9853] = lines[9853].replace('40', '42');
        lines[9856] = lines[9856].replace('40', '42');
        if (!srcFile.open(DzFile.WriteOnly)) {
            MessageBox.critical("Could not open file.", "Writing Changes", "&OK", "");
        lines.forEach(function (l) {
        MessageBox.information("The fix for 'Engrave Camera' was applied successfully.", "File Updated", "&OK", "");
    //# sourceMappingURL=FixCamera.js.map

    would be very nice if you could create an exe file for this

    never made scripts by myself

    i tried to make a thread about just user reviews that was shut by the mods

    perhaps someone could try this again because it would be very handy just reading user

    reviews without any discussions and lots of the same questions asked again and again

    here they get lost

    Post edited by Ruphuss on
  • oomuoomu Posts: 175

    So far the only advantage DAZ4.9 has in my eyes, is an improvement in rendering performance. As I understand, scenes which I make in 4.8 can be exported and rendered in 4.9. So is it possible to work with 4.8 on one computer, install 4.9 with just a minimum of basic content on a totally different machine and transfer the file just for rendering?

    Because I definitely wish to stay with my self organized categories and directories in 4.8, no matter how polished you say 4.9 might (or mightnot) be.

    DAZ 4.9 doesn't change your content AT ALL. You can install, use it, take advantage of bugfixes, improvements and just forget Daz Connect for now.

  • WilmapWilmap Posts: 2,917

    OK, if I install Daz 4.9 Beta on my PC alongside Daz 4.8 what happens to my database and runtime I use now?  Will it change or will Daz 4.9 have it's own database?

  • oomuoomu Posts: 175

    About _all_ DRM:

    I spent a lot of money in DAZ Store in a few years

    DRM is a very troublesome development. For now, it will not annoy me too much (maps not encrypted and being able to export in zbrush and others). 

    BUT like I do with steam, ibooks store and _all_ movies/video online shops, I will only buy very carefully (it means, mostly nothing but exceptional artwork). It's simply DRM means I rent the product for an indeterminate time. The company has power to remove my right of use to anytime, to revoke my keys, the server and whatever. The day I need to reinstall or use a new computer, I loose everything. It's not thrilling to push hundreds and thousands of $ to it.

    THAT is the meaning of DRM for customers. Any DRM. And it's well prooved by previous examples.

    Of course... if someone develops a crack to decrypt the product or remove the risks of losing the DRM servers (for whatever business reasons we can know now), I get back to buy like crazy.

This discussion has been closed.