Missing asset files

Ok, here's a little background
I started off with Win7 and have a whole bunch of scenes I was working on. Then the Win10 upgrade came along. I updated windows and kept on working.
Well the upgrade didn't take too well and I was seeing a lot of little quirks appearing in windows (daz kept saying hexagon wasn't installed when it was, constant out of memory issues, etc.) So I saved all my files and entire user content over to a new drive and reinstalled Win10 from scratch.
Replaced my files and spent the past few days redownloading and installing all my Daz items (just so Dim was up to date and ready for more)
Well now when I open an old scene, some objects won't load (such as Urban future 2) where I had made changes to the textures or whatever.
I get "Missing Files" The following assets could not be found (followed by a whole list)
The thing is, I can browse to the folder where my scenes are saved (onedrive/documents/Daz3D/Studio/My Library/data/auto_adapted...) and find the data folder as well as all the "missing" resources inside! How can I start to fix this?
Well now I feel silly :(
I had accidentally deleted the path to "My Library" in the content manager and when I put it back, I only went to the "Daz3D" folder and not all the way to "My Library"
Don't feel silly. Been there done that lol.
This seems to happen every time I get stumped on a problem, as soon as I ask for help, I manage to get it figured out LOL
I was really getting worried I had missed something when copying my window's user folder and had lost the entire comic I was working on.