backwards from 9 to first geniuses or just first gen and any in between

well gen 9 are fantastic , but in past 3 months i been buying and used  what got fro gen 8 and 8.1 and then allway to gen 2 

but    converting  the moghs and shapes from gen 2  to 8.1 some work , but  then to gen 8 to 9 not fantastic  coppy of wat gen 2 or gen 8  is , so be great have it back waords so any new gen9 or when gen 10 or gen x comes along  to convert  bacwards easy and near perfict coppy .......... like for me i used gen 2 raven  converted to gen 8.1 and the morghs were crazy and lots lots of morghs ........ and  i used head split  ok well not perfict like on the drago gen 8.1 the the nect is  crazy out of line i tryed to dieal it back to some point but just cant get to work then  its back  of it when combining other shapes just gose crazy , ...........i have only used so far main 2 models are gen 2 and gen 8.1   so moment in time i doint need gen 9 for most part of wat i use witch is  creatures  problem is  same creatures or moghs  just doint  go nicley  from verry first to gen 9 like brute dragon alway upto gen 9 ..........but if i buy gen 9 then be  beter and easy backwards and me gife gen 2 or gen 1 enhancment queilety as said spent hundres of  money using older stuff so be  better convertion for  all models  u just choose wat want and it make coppy of that from gen 9 to gen 2 and put into right folder or as for were to put it , but then when load any type of gen 2  daz will know its for gen 2  not gen 3 or gen 8  unles  there be way to say all gens  if load any gen 3 or gen 2 or gen 8 or even gen 9  daz will aumaticaly know  or unversal folder ........................



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