Receding Hairline Styles for Male Characters

I've been looking and looking for a G3/G8 'receding hairline' hairstyle similar to that of actor Ken Watanabe

Although there are some excellent thinning hair sets in the Daz Shop, like Mr. Banks Hair Layers and Big Boss Hair for Underbelly, those products better capture late-stage male-pattern baldness, when pretty much all of the front and top hair has thinned and/or fallen out. What I'm looking for is something from the early stages of M-P-B, where the man's hairstyle is not that different in thickness and shape aside from being set further back and higher up on the head than previously.

It might be possible to use a forehead/bangs morph of some kind, I suppose, but I've never seen one of those on a hair made for G3M/G8M, only on a few G3F/G8F hairs.

Any ideas? Possible products?


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