Shaping and Parameters Broken? Help.
I'm going to try and describe this and hope it makes sense.
But, I load a Genesis 8 or 8.1 figure. I have the figure selected in my scene. I go to my Shaping tab and there is nothing. It's just empty.
So I go to Parameters. I am able to work with the figure in Parameters. I have all my options like Head, Full Body, etc.
But now my Parameters tab isn't working either.
The only way I can see my morphs and manipulations is by selecting the All option. Nothing shows up under anything else.
And it's a problem for everything, not just figures. I can't see the parameters of my clothes, hair, anything except as "All." For example, if I select "Actor" or "Full Body" I get nothing. (Normally I do.)
If that is the way it's going to work, then the program is going to be unusable.
No, I do not have anything typed in to the bar at the top. No, I have not altered any of my settings.
Can I fix this?
Forum uploads work again. Post a screenshot of what you see.
A screenshot isn't going to help... Look at the Parameters tab. There are options when you select a figure. The options are things like, Actor, Head, Full Body, etc.
These categories used to work for me. For example, when I'd select "Full Body" I would see all the body morphs available to that character. Now I see nothing. The paramter of Full Body is just useless. If I chose the Parameter "Head" I would see all the head morphs available to the character. Now I see nothing.
The only option in the Parameters that shows me anything is the "All" option. This means that I have to look through every, single, morph that I have for a character to find any morph I want for that character. That's thousands of options. It shows all the clothing morphs, for example, along with everything else.
That makes the workflow practically impossible.
Has Show Sub Items been unchecked, at bottom left of the pane?
I will check this as soon as I'm back at my rendering machine. If it's that simple, I'm going to be sad... lol. Thank you.
That's the kind of thing that a screenshot would show.