Engaging 2 JCMs on one joint?


I recently watched one of Josh Darling's videos about how to create a JCM or Joint Corrective Morph for some clothing.  I have this face mask which G2F can wear, and when she bends her head right back, I've successfully managed to apply a JCM to the mask.  I'd now like to apply another JCM to the mask when she bends her head forward.  Is that possible?  What I mean is, is it possible to engage one morph when the head joint is bending within a certain range, say 0 to -45 degrees, and to engage another morph when it's bending from 0 to +35 degrees?


  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    Hi I have not seen the tuto VIdeo?  but I think it is not so difficult if you have already learn make JCM manually set ERC.

    Daz offer some ERC types. Then, when I controll two or three morphs by

    one controller (about your case, "head nodes bend"), I set  Attribute type as  "keyed" ERC .

    it work as same as animation keyed.  Though  it is difficult for me,  to tell all steps , but  just see my  pic,

    and you may learn what you can.


    Now I have two custom morphs , which can move my original tops ring, then I now  plan to set ERC for Right Pectoral bend.^^;  (sorry I make ERC for pectoral)

    there is  another way to set keys for ERC on timeline and bake, but I choose simple way by manually set ERC, in Property Hieralchy pane .

    Morph 1 = Ring buck,  Morh 2 = Ring down.  then they move (add delta from current value) with R_perctoral UP-Down.

    (X roate, I limit range -30 to 30, just for make it simple)

    R pectoral move from [-30 to 0] (rotation degree),  Morph1 cahge value [1 to 0]. Morph 2 keep 0 (no add delta)

     R pectoral move from [0 to 30] (rotation degree)   Morph 2 change value[0 to 1]  Morph1 keep 0 (no add delta)

    then I set those  keys for R pectoral UP-down (Xrotation) as subcomponent >1st stages.

    the left side of key sets, is rotation value.  -30, 0, 30.

    then right side of key sets is each morph value. ( 0 or 1, about this case).

    they work as I expected.

    then,, after check  it work, (as you planed or not ), save properties as morph  which you choose "save with" attribute

     again.  then these ERC are recorded as formula on each morph.dsf files. next you load the clothing,

    it keep  ERC.

    And,, you can choose animation curve  type too. (Now I prefer TCBtype curve)

    ERC keys.PNG
    979 x 878 - 245K
  • If you simply want one morph for forward bends and one for rear it's even simpler - just make sure that both have limits set to 0 for the minimum and do a standard ERC Freeze for each.

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