Does "Daz Connect" spell the end of Carrara compatibility?

de3ande3an Posts: 915
edited October 2015 in Carrara Discussion

Apparently Daz is developing a new method to download and install content called "Daz Connect". It is being built into the next version of Daz Studio ( beta).

From what I have read, it is planned for new Daz content products to, eventually, only be offered via this method. In addition to this new delivery method, the products will be partially encrypted. Thus, products distributed using Daz Connect will not be compatible with Carrara.

To support my assumptions I offer the statements below posted by DAZ_Vince from the FAQ section of the "Daz Studio Pro BETA - version!" thread in the Daz Studio Discussion forum:

Unless Daz is planning to also incorporate "Daz Connect" into a future version of Carrara, it would seem that they will force Carrara users to shop elsewhere.


(NOTE: the red text has been highlighted by me.)

Can I use products installed through Daz Connect with other software?

Products installed through Daz Install Manager keep their previous functionality.  Products updated to Daz Connect will not function with Carrara or the DSON Importer for Poser due to an inability to interface with Daz Connect web services, but all bridges (e.g. ZBrush, Bryce, Hexagon) and exporters continue to function as they have.

Products that are available in zip format or through Daz Install Manager will remain available.


What happens to my Bryce and Carrara content?

Products created for Bryce and/or Carrara can still be purchased through the website and installed through Daz Install Manager. Bryce maintains the ability to use Daz Studio content through the Bryce bridge. Carrara cannot currently consume encrypted files installed using Daz Connect. Your options for Carrara are to either export FBX or OBJs out of Daz Studio or use unencrypted versions of your content downloaded and installed through Daz Install Manager.


Are all products Daz Connect ready?

New products, as well as a huge selection of older products, will be offered through Daz Connect right away, with more of the older products having Daz Connect support added in the future.  Our plans are for existing products that have been offered through non-Daz Connect methods to continue to be offered in those ways as well as through Daz Connect.  New products will begin to migrate toward a Daz Connect-only delivery.


Post edited by de3an on


  • starboardstarboard Posts: 452

    Products updated to Daz Connect will not function with Carrara or the DSON Importer for Poser due to an inability to interface with Daz Connect web services, but all bridges (e.g. ZBrush, Bryce, Hexagon) and exporters continue to function as they have.

    Whoa..Does that mean that this is the beginning of DAZ's version of Adobe CC ?  You will own less and less and rent more and more.   If so there will this mean that there will be no more carrara updates until DAZ has converted Carrara to a web based software ?  It could explain where the energies of Daz has been going and why the deathly silence over Carrara updates.   As usual just guessing in the dark.



  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited October 2015

    As the FAQ entry notes, Carrara cannot currently consume encrypted files. Whether that will change in the future is not known, so any discussion will be purely speculative. As a result this thread is being locked. Discussion of Daz Connect with respect to DS is happening here    and also  HERE

    Post edited by Chohole on
This discussion has been closed.