That entire town from "From"
While watching the show ["From"] I kept thinking "ooh I'd like this part of the outdoors scenes as a 3D set". (AP mystery show, people get stuck in a small town that's riddled with unspeakable horrors, more "lost places" than you can shake a stick at.)
For one like rundown/abandoned places a lot, and then it plays into artists hands: all outside views are limited by dense vegetation. You can nowhere look further than to a nearby treeline. So no need for HDRi other then skies but tree lines / shrubbery can be done in high poly, low poly, billboards, circular backdrops etc. Some old pavement, cracked roads, couple yards for houses and other small town structures and boatloads over overgrowing whatever.
MJF, I'm looking at you ;)
I just saw the trailer for this, and oh man, that is some creepy stuff.
The actual locatin of old town Americana, there is a certain appeal to the architecture.
I would call it a twisted scifi mystery with some mild horror, depending on your sensitivities. I was glad that MGM picked it up and looking forward to season 3.
FirstBastion is right old town Americana but not the Norman Rockwell settings, more run down. But I guess with texturing someone could do both.
The actual filming locations are near Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: was shot in Halifax,by David Maginley on Unsplash.
(And those getting "lost" vibes, I checked and found no trace of involvement of that collossal dolt Jar Jar Abrams)
Okay, then let's call it "North Americana" . If an industry leaves a town, it falls into disrepair. When the fisheries closed down after the depletion of the cod stocks it was brutal for some comunitieson the East Coast Atlantic provinces. . I'm sure the community welcomed a TV production crew showing up to shoot a series there. Thanks for the info.
North Americana it is. Hope the series last a long time then, I forgot about the benefits to the community. Hope some got on as extras and benefited even more.
I would love some small town americana environment, although not rundown. Maybe there could be two texture set, new and worn.