Anyone here on Carrara Cafe?


I found the Carrara Cafe site yesterday, and found boucoup interesting tutorials and some pretty good examples (loved the fact they were using Carrara to animate!). Went to join up. The "confirm you are a human" email never showed up. Went back, but couldn't re-register.

Interestingly (or appallingly) enough, there appears to be no information anywhere on that site on how to contact the site admin (or anyone else) to see about getting the registration problem fixed. (Now that's customer service! :)

Anyone here ever hang out there? Got anyone I could email to ask about this?




  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050

    Here's this thread by jetbird. He's one of the admins there. You may be able to message him here, or get more info from the thread.

    It's a free site and all volunteer. There was someone doing a revamp of the site on her own time and put many, many hours into it, and she was dumped on by one of the forum users and essentially said to hell with it. Now it is in the process of recovery. Jetbird's native language is not English and he is somewhere in Europe, so there may be some time lag before there is a response, so please have a little patience and explain the issue clearly.

  • Hi Deej

    I had the same problem where I didnt get the email, whet I did was request a new password using the email i had signed up with, the system then sent me a password reset link, seem their worpress install is broken or they have turned of the option to send out pass by email on sign up.

    Hope that makes sence.

    Also Hi everyone!


  • Hello, 


    Apologies for inconveniences you may have dealt with when registering to Carrara Cafe. 

    Have you checked your spam folder? In theory you should be getting registration approval e-mail. From the website control panel I see it marked as working feature. 

  • Howdy, Jetbird!

    Alas, no spam. I'm on GMail (which doesn't, as far as I know, de-spam anything for anyone), and my spam folder (such as it is) is empty.

    Had a similar problem with Renderosity a few weeks ago, hence my wondering if the auto-confirm email might be having a problem.

    I'd try again but I don't keep a battery of email addresses to furnish. :S



    (Enjoyed your articles at the Cafe, too. :)

  • Good job Danas, site looks very nice, still no go on registering, I used to have account but I reckon it was flushed out at some point sad

  • HI FifthElement

    It might be that after the great hack not everything got recovered. We had a very serous and damage making hack after which we had lots of troubles to put things back together. We also lost many registrations that happened after our last back up that was available. 


    For those who didn;t get the registration e-mail. You should write me directly telling me what name (nickname) and e-mail you used to register and then I will set it up  manually for you.   

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