Script sample seems not working with version4.21?[Solved]

HenryHenry Posts: 28

I've tried to use this script sample to set up my content library (using script to get to subfolder in content library), but the script sample seems not working with version 4.21. I wonder if I'm not smart enough to get it work or it need to be updated.

Post edited by Henry on


  • Which? There are multiple scripts on that page.

  • HenryHenry Posts: 28

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Which? There are multiple scripts on that page.


    Trying to mke this work but nothing happened when excuting.

    Please help me !  master of script !

  • Are you using it as is, with Default/People/Real-World as the cateogry to show? Does that category exist in your database? It works for me, though I have no entries showing in that category.

  • HenryHenry Posts: 28

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Are you using it as is, with Default/People/Real-World as the cateogry to show? Does that category exist in your database? It works for me, though I have no entries showing in that category.

    Yes, I've tried to use Set_Content_Library_DAZ_Studio_Formats_Container.dsa and script above, but nothing happened after I excuting them. It doesn't work even I don't change anything . I'm sure I got those folders in my content library. Though it works for you , I guess that I might do something wrong , good news to know that .Could you please teach my how you make it excuted successfully in DAZ ? Thanks a lot !

  • HenryHenry Posts: 28

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Are you using it as is, with Default/People/Real-World as the cateogry to show? Does that category exist in your database? It works for me, though I have no entries showing in that category.

    Sorry for my stupid question, I'm just put the script ( Set_Content_Library_DAZ_Studio_Formats_Container.dsa ,  for example  ) in my content library and find them , double click on it to excute it. Maybe the way I using them is totally wrong ? 

  • HenryHenry Posts: 28

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Are you using it as is, with Default/People/Real-World as the cateogry to show? Does that category exist in your database? It works for me, though I have no entries showing in that category.



    The script should be put in the upper folder where runs it , like if I want to get to the "My Content/People/Genesis 3 Female" , inthe last line of script is "People/Genesis 3 Female" and the script should be put under "My Content/" ! I'm so stupid to put it in subfolder ! That's it !

    But if I put them into subfolder and change the last line it doesn't work , like I put it in  "My Content/People/Genesis 3 Female / shoes/" , and change last line to "shoes/test 1" ("test 1" contains in the folder named "shoes" ), it do nothing when excuted . 

  • That shouldn't matter - I just dragged it from my downloads folder, not a mapped content directory at all, into the viewport and it worked.

    Do note that you can now make containers favourites via the right-click menu, which is another way to reach them.

  • HenryHenry Posts: 28

    Richard Haseltine said:

    That shouldn't matter - I just dragged it from my downloads folder, not a mapped content directory at all, into the viewport and it worked.

    Do note that you can now make containers favourites via the right-click menu, which is another way to reach them.

    Thank you Richard ! I figured it out , yes it doesn;t matter wher it is , just depends on what  the last line is  , I finally make it work !

    Thanks a lot  for your patience in helping  a noob in scripting , cheers !

  • Glad to have helped.

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