new plushies

i love the plushies 2.0 type Scamp The Fox and other variants. would it be possible to have others? lion, squirrel, dogs, wolves, deer, etc... reptiles and birds maybe even?
rif anyone has any other variants, i'd love to hear about them.if anyone has any other variants, i'd love to hear about them.if anyone has any other d variants, i'd love to hear about them.if anyone has any other variants, i'd love to hear about them.if anyone has other c variants, i'd love to hear about them.if anyone has other variants of this, i'd love to hear about them.if anyone has other variants of this, i'd love to hear about them.if anyone has other variants of this ty, i'd love to hear about them.if anyone has any other variants of this type, i'd love to hear about them.if anyone has other variants of this type, i'd love to hear about them.if anyone has other variants of this type, i'd love to know. if anyone has other variants of this type, i'd love to know. thank you!

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