How to Save Charecters as Presets (like you can in Bryce)

BrycescaperBrycescaper Posts: 148

I am becoming resigned to using DAZ|Studio more and more as an end application instead of a staging application to export their 3D models into Bryce 7. I still believe that Studio is a 'psuedo' 3D application because for all the dimension it seems to provide, Bryce is truly a 3D program that can provide environmentals- a sun and earth, water and ground planes with realistic textures, and true HDRI rather than background cycloramas that imitate the actual atmosphere in Bryce.

What I like about Bryce is the ability to create preset liraries- I have hundreds of models of Millenium and Genesis 3D models saved in preset library pages, but even with 16G of RAM, I can only fit six to eight figures in a scene without topping out the available memory. What I would like to know is how to save DAZ charecters in DAZ|Studio in a similar manner, to save as presets to use in other scenes. This would allow me to create complete charecters that I can switch clothing for different scenes without it having to be converted into Bryce and saved as a seperate preset. How is this done, and how can I set up my own library of charecters?

Cheereaders on a boat.jpg
640 x 480 - 143K
Cheereaders on a boat.jpg
640 x 480 - 143K
Post edited by Brycescaper on


  • The above pic, "Cheerleaders On A Boat", was staged in DAZ|Studio and imported into Bryce. You can't get "photographic"3d quality images like this from DAZ|Studio alone


  • Love that picture. I had a similar question about saving a preset character. If I open a "stock" character like Victoria 7 and make adjustments to skin Mat, body type, breast shape, or whatever, I can then save her as a Character Preset and use her in any future scene. But what I am having trouble with is having the hair follow over to the preset. If I load hair and then save the character preset, the hair disappears when I open the preset. Only a bald character loads, and then I have reoad the hair, apply color, etc.

    Is there a way to load a character preset and save the hair?

  • Scene Subsets can contain multuiple items and will merge into the current sceen when double-clicked. A Wearables Preset wil include items parented to a figure, and has options for including settings on the wearing figure.

  • I think my question has been partially answered  by saving as a charecter preset. Logic would tell me that this would be under the 'Save As' options.

    The process of saving a particular charecter to a particular folder in the figure library is reallt what I sm after,similar to creating a new folder and c category in the Bryce Preset library.  I'm about to download 4.8 and would like to assemble a character library within the figure folder where I can select a preset character rather than modifying esisting files and  creating new files of the same person with different clothes, etc. This would, in having a base character eliminate having to save seperate files, I could just 'dress up' the figure and import it into Bryce as i wish. How can I do this?

  • Scene Subset should work for that.

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