4.9 Beta + GoZ (zbrush 4r7 p3) not communicating?

I've checked that the path in Zbrush's GoZ prefs are set to the beta, and i've made sure the GoZ plugin is installed for DazStudio 4.9

I can get the Daz -> Zbrush working, but I can't bring it back in from Zbrush to DAZ anymore.

Any ideas?


  • oomuoomu Posts: 175

    On Windows or Os X ?  On Os X I need to check the execute permission on all scripts/binaries GoZ uses after updating.


    On Windows you can reinstall GoZ with DIM, I guess. Or from Zbrush itself.

  • DAZ_RawbDAZ_Rawb Posts: 817

    Anything popping up in the log that shouldn't be there?

    Any error messages being displayed? 


    We'll do the standard QA questions here:

    What did you do?

    What happened?

    What did you expect to happen?

  • vex3dvex3d Posts: 130

    on OS X. Installed thru DIM. No errors displayed. I hit the 'Go' button in Zbrush and nothing happens. Expected function is to bring focus to the DazStudio window with the Morph Loader dialog open.

  • Same proble with me also, I can send stuff to ZBRUSH but will not return back to DAZ. This was all working fine b4 installing 4.9

    OSX El Capitan




  • DAZ_RawbDAZ_Rawb Posts: 817

    Could you both try uninstalling and reinstalling GoZ through DIM?


    The plugin could just not be correctly installed in the 4.9 build, because there shouldn't be anything with 4.9 that would prevent this from working.


    If uninstalling and reinstalling doesn't work please contact customer support so they can file a bug ticket for you and we can make sure this gets fixed before 4.9 leaves beta.

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,706
    edited November 2015
    oomu said:

    On Os X I need to check the execute permission on all scripts/binaries GoZ uses after updating.

    How do you execute perimission please?  Terminal?  Preferences? 

    Rawb, I finally got GoZ to work with 4.8.

    I am also on El Capitan, Macbook Pro Retina, ZBrush 4r7 P3 64 bit.

    In 4.9 (after I've uninstalled it from 4.8 and installed for 4.9, I can send to ZBrush.  On return, I get http://prntscr.com/8wmif4  The public build is 4.9.  The other is 4.8.  It will not let me select and retain the public build as my selection.  When this happened, I uninstalled GoZ for 4.9, installed in 4.8, selected the non-public build and it works fine.  Which, because it wouldn't let me select the public version, was kinda what I was expecting.  :(  It's as if only the first in the list works.

    Post edited by Cris Palomino on
  • any progess on this? still doesn;t work for even with the latest beta of 4.9



  • Based on the above post, it sounds like this issue will resolve itself once 4.9 goes public, no?

  • I have the same problem on OSX on Windows10 it works fine. Reinstalled several times . Daz sends to Zbrush but I can't get the files back to Daz. I think the problem is within Daz Studio since Zbrush tells me the file was saved succesfully, but after that nothing happens.

  • Saved? You are clicking the GoZ button in ZBrush to go back to DS?

  • Richard, this works very well in 4.8. 

    I did manage to make it work this morning by deleting (4.8) and renaming the /Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit Public Build (i deleted the word public build  from the path)

    so it has something to do with the naming of the directry or permisions? 


  • It sounds as if the path has not been updated in the ZBrush preferences to point to the beta version - remember that GoZ can be isntalled for only one version of DS, and ZBrush should be pointing to that in Preferences>GoZ>DAZ Studio 4

  • Saved? You are clicking the GoZ button in ZBrush to go back to DS?

    In the console you get this message since Zbrush writes the file to disk before transfering it to daz studio and yes I use ctrl-g

  • It sounds as if the path has not been updated in the ZBrush preferences to point to the beta version - remember that GoZ can be isntalled for only one version of DS, and ZBrush should be pointing to that in Preferences>GoZ>DAZ Studio 4

    Thanks but already checked that and it is the correct path. I even checked the permissions to check if there was the problem.

  • You might try removing the ZBrush GoZ data folder - I'm not sure where it would be on a Mac, under Windows it's C:\Users\Public\Pixologic\GoZProjects and perhaps the text files in C:\Users\Public\Pixologic\GoZApps\DAZStudio64

  • forget what I said before it worked once then it stopped working even if i renamed the directory. What i did discover this morning is if I close daz studio, and then hit the goz button in zbrush, it will open up studio and import the object, it just that if studio is open i get no prompt..



  • got it to work!!!!

    the problem is the the goz pluigins for studio 4.9 beta are broken, they don't work... you have to install the goz plugins for 4.8.

    how to do that,


    1) uninstall goz from 4.9
    2) delete this directory /Users/Shared/Pixologic/GoZApps/DazStudio64
    3) delete studio 4.8 or move it out of the daz application folder.
    4) rename directory of studio 4.9 to look like 4.8 (remove the public build from the name)
    5) goto to install manager and install goz 4.8 plugin, it looks at the path and since we removed the public build from the directory name it installs the goz 4.8 plugin in the 4.9 directory
    6) laung zbrush pick the directory for daz save and exit
    7) launh studio anf use goz as normal

    this works for me, hope it works for you






  • oomuoomu Posts: 175

    On Os X 10.11 (El Capitan, but it was the same with 10.10), whenever GoZ is updated, I check the permissions on the files

    - /Users/Shared/Pixologic/GoZApps/DAZStudio64/GoZLocateDAZStudio.sh

    - /Users/Shared/Pixologic/GoZApps/DAZStudio64/GoZBrushToDAZStudio.app/Contents/MacOS/GoZBrushToDAZStudio

    to be sure execution (unix permission x) is authorized

    in the Terminal:

    chmod a+x /Users/Shared/Pixologic/GoZApps/DAZStudio64/GoZLocateDAZStudio.sh

    chmod a+x /Users/Shared/Pixologic/GoZApps/DAZStudio64/GoZBrushToDAZStudio.app/Contents/MacOS/GoZBrushToDAZStudio


    Then I can launch ZBrush and change in its GOZ settings whatever DAZ binaries in want to use (Public build or not) and after that, I can export from DAZ (public build or not) to Zbrush easily.

    If permissions are right, I can change whatever DAZ I want to use and ZBrush will be able to import data to the right DAZ (whatever it is already launched or not).


    to summarize:

    it's not a problem with names of files. The setup put files where it should be (/Users/Shared/... ) but a permission problems.

    Some of the files (script and/or binaries) do not get the permission right. I don't know exactly why : is it something forgotten in the setup procedure ? a weird combination of legacy stuff from an old Os X install ?.


  • vex3dvex3d Posts: 130

    Well I just fresh-installed El Capitan a week or so ago, so I will see about giving the DS4.9 another go. Thanks for the info oomu. I'm surprised I didn't even think to check permissions, that's pretty standard on os x. LOL.

  • linvanchenelinvanchene Posts: 1,382
    edited January 2016


    the problem is the the goz pluigins for studio 4.9 beta are broken, they don't work... you have to install the goz plugins for 4.8.



    It seems installing GoZ versions of the General Release is uninstalling the GoZ version of the public release.

    (and vis versa )

    Test Series:

    Before reading this thread I had just the Public Beta Version of  DAZ Studio installed.

    - I was able to use GoZ with ZBrush_4R7_P3 WIN 64 Bit and Daz Studio Pro BETA - version


    - - -

    I then installed the General DAZ Studio 4.8 Release

    - I was able to use GoZ with ZBrush_4R7_P3 WIN 64 Bit and DAZ Studio Pro


    BUT now

    AFTER installing the General Release GoZ of the Public Release is not anymore available.

    Meaning the GoZ symbol is removed.

    And when checking the DIM it now seems obvious:

    When I installed the GoZ for the General Release the GoZ for the Public Release was uninstalled.

    - - -

    It seems impossible to have BOTH versions of GoZ from the General and Public release installed without uninstalling whichever GoZ version was installed first.

    What I am now confused about is:

    Was this always working like that and or is that really working as intended?



    Morph in Daz Studio Pro BETA BEFORE installing the 4.8 General Release.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 312K
    Post edited by linvanchene on
  • You may have only one version of GoZ for DS installed at a time. It should, as far as I know, have always been that way though I do have vague memories of having both a beta and a production version installed at once, long ago.

  • Having these same problems, and after a full reinstall of DS and DS-GoZ, now when I try to send something to ZBrush, it crashes Zbrush on startup. Quite frustrating.... hopefully I can get this fixed today.. got a huge pile of client work that needs to get done for which GoZ out of DS is pretty integral. :(

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,845

    Have you tried clearing the GoZ cache - C:\Users\Public\Pixologic\GoZProjects\Default in particular, I think. The text files from C:\Users\Public\Pixologic\GoZApps\DAZStudio64 might also ned pruning, but I'd be careful in case they can't be regenerated.

  • Has GoZ for Daz3d studio 4.9 been fixed on Mac? If so, how?

  • I just had two goz apps folders in two different hard drives





    You just need to copy and paste the dazstudio64 folder in the other drive

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