Question about installing DSON & PoserCF files


I am a returning member after a 2.5 year break and I am attempting to re-install all of my content back onto my newly wiped computer.  I used to know the answer to this but have since forgotten it (not hard for me to do) and was hoping someone here might be able to help. If there is another thread with this information, my apologies for not locating it.

Ok, so...

1. My DSON Importer for Poser defaulted installation into my Poser Pro 2012 and I just let it go where it wanted to - is it supposed to be installed into your main Poser as if it is a plugin? (wanting to make sure it installed correctly and that will also let me know that if I want it to run in any other version of Poser that I have, where I put it at that time.) If not, where am I supposed to install this so that it will work for me in Poser properly?

2. Quite alot of items I have purchased have PoserCF files to download and install. I do not use DIM because I hate that it hides versions of itself in multiple areas and duplicates its library/downloads all over the place and eventually takes up so much room because of doing that so I manually download & install EVERYTHING of mine now.  Where do I install my PoserCF files?  Do I install those "Runtime" folders into my main Poser Runtime folder or another runtime that I can direct Poser to, or do I have to install those files into my DAZ library where the main item's content is and direct Poser to look to that location?

I hope what I am saying/asking is making sense; I am running on little sleep and sometimes the words do not flow as I would like them.  Thank you for any assistance any of you can give to me regarding this so that I can get back up and running.  =)

All the best,

~ Bree ~



  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,583

    The "DSON Importer for Poser" itself is a plugin and does need to go in the internal Poser runtime.  The PoserCF's and the corrrsponding core files just have to be in a Runtime Poser knows about, you can create a new one, direct Poser to your Daz library, etc.

    What is DIM doing that's causing problems for you?  You can tell it where to download the zips, set it to delete the zips after install, or manually move the zips to your backups after install.

  • What is DIM doing that's causing problems for you?  You can tell it where to download the zips, set it to delete the zips after install, or manually move the zips to your backups after install.

    Ok, I will attempt to explain, but I must apologize up front if it doesnt come out right.

    My PC needs a new HD where the operating system is located but I just do not have the money right now. When I first reinstalled my DIM and D|S I created a library on the laptop's 2nd HD to avoid bumping into corrupted files, or any other problems that HD might throw at me. I told the DIM to download to a location also on that HD that we will label Art Drive.  Then I told it to install into the library folder that I wanted my D|S library to be housed. Keep in mind that none of these locations are the default Documents path it normally goes to if you just let it install how it wants to - because that would mean it goes onto the drive that is suffering & needing to be replaced.  When I loaded up D|S, none of the content that I downloaded and installed could be located and my D|S was seeing My Library in the location on Art Drive, but DIM didnt listen to me and install there like I told it to. Upon searching for my content, I located a folder in my Documents with the installed content as well as another copy of the downloaded content .zip files and then I located another copy of the installed content (I believe, if memory serves me correctly) in my program files or possibly in a folder on my main C: drive (failing memory stinks). So, I uninstalled the DIM, told it to remove its files and it was like it could not locate where it had put everything because all of the stuff it loaded on my HD was still there and I had to manually delete it all. Just my Genesis starter stuff is a hair over 1GB and when it was all said and done, I think the amount in the recycle bin of it was over 5GB.  I wish I had screenies to show you what I am talking about but I didnt think anything of it when deciding to just manually do it all.

    Do you think maybe it was because I installed the DIM FIRST, instead of installing D|S and setting up where my DAZ Library should be at?  I guess I didnt think to ask that when I first came back since I had already had my D|S 4 set up long before the DIM came out way back before my laptop to a fall and had to be wiped.

    Thank you for your time and help, Fixmypcmike. The PoserCFs were not something that I had to worry about before as D|S was (and still is) my main program of choice but now that I am trying to learn Poser, I would like to give the DSON a try since I went out of my way to get it way back when.  =)

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    You can change the locations in both DIM and Studio at any just need to manually update them in the software...tell DIM where the Studio stuff goes and tell Studio where DIM has put everything.

  • mjc1016 said:

    You can change the locations in both DIM and Studio at any just need to manually update them in the software...tell DIM where the Studio stuff goes and tell Studio where DIM has put everything.

    Ok, I will give it a try again. After re-downloading it and installing it, I am going through the readme again to try to answer the rest of the questions that I have regarding things such as content for other programs, etc. *crosses fingers and dives back in to work*

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