
A few three years ago I remember seeing a discussion about the "Categories" capability in DS. A part of that discussion explained that the file storing the categories' information was a .txt file. I think it was described as being in a folder under "C:/user/.../My Documents". Since then, due to circumstances both beyond and within my control, I have had to redesignate the categories database and reassign products there. For the life of me I cannot remember precisely where that file is located. So after learing a lesson or two the hard way, I'm being proactive and trying to head off this situation at the pass. Any information re this would be greatly appreciated.
Post edited by bluedonkey on
Content DB Maintenance > Export User Data creates plain-text files named UserData_1.dsx, etc. in /Runtime/Support in your first DS-format content folder.
XLNT They say with age comes wisdom, I'm beginning to think it's more like with age comes grumpiness and failing memory. Thank you muchly. Worked perfectly.