Why does Teen Josie look like this when she renders?

I'm trying to do some very basic rendering to understand different Skin and Shape presets.
I am loading the basic Teen Josie 7 Actor, applying Krayon Hair, and then applying various MATs under Surfaces - Skin (Iray). No extra lighting effects or presets at all yet.
No matter whay combination I use, she looks like she has huge black circles under her eyes and she looks like she's wearing a lunch lady hair net.
What is going on? Could it have something to do with her eyelashes?
Post edited by tristanthorne1997 on
It's the transparency maps...
Is this an Iray render?
Sometimes the lighting/position causes it. Others it's the maps not being correctly recognized as control maps/the black not being fully black.
The problem appears to be the trans maps for the skullcap of the hair and the eyelashes.
Are you rendering in Iray?
Can you show a screen shot of the surfaces tab for the eyelashes?
Hi MJC and Scorpio,
New Picture:
It appears to be the Krayon hair. I tried loading two new instances of Josie. One with End of Summer Hair and one with Paisley hair. As you can see, the dark circles are gone around her eyes. I'm jut not going to worry aobut using Krayon hair on that character.
Do you know why the End of Summer hair has those bright shiny spots in it? And / Or why the Paisley Hair render looks like someone took a lawnmower to the poor girl's bangs?
Again, these are extremenly basic loads - Just the character plus the hair. No extra sets, backgrounds, or lighting applied at all.
EoS hair has some not very good surface settings...if you didn't apply Iray specific materials for it, that's the answer.
The Paisley hair is having autofollow conniptions...you will need to go in and dial out the Josie morph from it (it's probalby hidden, so you'll need to do Show Hidden in the Parameters pane and then find Teen Josie and dial out the morph)
Thank you. That helped.
Unfotunately my PC is crashing during 90% of my renders now. Wy would that be? I haven't made any changes to it. I just bought this PC specifically to run DAZ. 16GB RAM, Intel i7 processor, GeForce 970 Graphics card, SSD HD. This thing shold have the power to do the beginner level rendering I am doing in DAZ as a new user. I've spent nearly $1000 on this site and now $1600 on a PC, and it just crashes all the time during renders. Any suggestions in troubleshooting? Should I post this issue as a separate post?
1. Make sure that the video drivers are fully updated...from Nvidia, not MS or the manufacturer's site.
2. Any specific error messages when it crashes or in the Studio log file (Help > Troubleshooting > Log)?
There are some lines like this:
WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(261): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER): 1.5 IRAY rend error: CUDA device 0 (GeForce GTX 970): unknown error (while de-allocating memory)
and a lot of:
WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5253): Could not find output property for formula: Genesis3Female:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%203/Female/Morphs/DAZ%203D/Head............
But the log is so long...not sure when these occurred. I assume recently, because the are towards the very bottom of the log.
The first one...that is probably something that would be related. The second, probably not. That's usually due to missing content of some kind, like a required prerequisite package or something.
Also what version of Windows?
And if it's a new machine and has been flaky with Studio from the start, is it having problems with anything else?
Have you tried running any diagnositcs on it? Studio and rendering are wonderful 'stress' tests and if there is a hardware problem (flaky memory stick, for example) they would be very likely to uncover it.
I am using Windows 10. Thankfully, it hasn't been flaky from the start. Pretty reliable, actually. I do a ton of HD vieo rendering using Adobe and it flies through that without a hitch. I will run some diagnostics, thoug, to see if I can pin anything dwon.
I feel dumb for asking, but how do I post a picture directly into a message on this forum? I would like to include screenshots of things....questions I have, etc.....but when I click the Image icon, it doesn't seem to work. Or at least, I don't know how to use it properly.
When I upload to someplace like TinyPic and try to paste in the code for the picture, it just shows the audience the code itself and not the pic:
Like this:
Paste just the URL from the image upload link into the image box, it doesn't need the tag code...
Not even that, it usually means there's a correction morph of some kind - for example there are a lot of morphs to make the G2F expressions work with Aiko 6. If you don't have the shape that is being corrected for, or the shape that is being corrected, the required target won't be found; since you don't need the correction unless you have both that isn't a problem.