Dson To Poser Question

Nester751Nester751 Posts: 387

Recently picked up Wormbeast. When I use Dson to load it, Poser asks for WB_MaleMouth_Normal.tif. I've looked and there are no WB_MaleMouth, WB_FemaileMouth, or WB_Juvenile mouth textures, or DUF files. There are no correspondingly named DUF files. or any other files with those names. The item renders fine in D/S. My question is when Dson asks for a .tif file (have had this issue before) I'm thinking that some material is not converting, or is missing. Is there a way for me to open the item in D/S and try to export the texture to a properly convertable material file? Normally I'd return the item if files were missing or did not convert properly. Have the most recent versions of Dson installed, as well as Poser and it's patches.

Edited to fix typo.

Post edited by Nester751 on


  • Found a possible solution posted by WandW in the DSON thread. Thank you again WandW.

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