IK ropes between two objects (exmpl: lamp with power chord in wall socket)
One of my favourite tools for power chords and similar uses is "SY dForce Ropes, Vines and Tubes" which you can easily bend into shape with the IK tool and has dfroce options.
But: one thing I cannot do: parent one end to, say a lamp base, parent the other end to say a wall socket then move it around. I have another application where I use it as a breather tube for a scuba gear mouthpiece to the bottles, the mouthpiece is parented to the figure's jaw, the rubes go to the bottles, so each time I re-pose the head I have to reconnect the tube ends to the bottles.
Doable, but I'd like to have this a bit more autamated. Is it possible?
Not sure, but the stickychain plug in for sale in the store here may work?
Not as easay a what you're looking for but you might check out some of the old easy pose props
@pwiecek, not sure what you mean by easy pose props.
@oddbob: could be that's what I'm after, will wait for a sale.