How do you use these Shaders?
These >
They don't seem to be doing anything. Of course I'm used to using shaders all the time, but these got me confused. Maybe it's I'm not understanding this kind of shader.
Post edited by HorusRa on
You need to have the item/surface you want to apply the shader to selected in both the surfaces tab and the scene tab, double click the preset you want to use.
You may not see any changes or effects until you render.
A lot of times it doesn't show until you render it. Also make sure that you are using the right render engine for whichever shaders you are using. Some of them work in both, some work only in 3delight and some work only in Iray
I of course had everything selected. I just was testing with a simple plain just to see how they looked, but was getting nothing. ok, I didn't realize they may just not work at all in one engine or the other, I thought they would still do something. Anyways, the original test was in Iray. After reading both of you guy' messages I tried 3delight. The attachment is the results. I'm perplexed with this particular shader. It also installs under just regular shaders and not shader presets, I thought maybe thats why I was confused, because I'm mostly used to shaders of the 'presets' variety.
That looks like a UPC code that cot into Elton John's closet...
Is there a tiling setting? It's looking like they aren't uniform.
Or if they are, is that applied to a UV mapped item?
Most of the time, tiling and lack of proper UV mapping don't mix very well.
HAHAHAHAHAHAH!! Yeah, I suppose that it does. lol!
Nah, there doesn't seem to be any tiling options. As I mentioned I just thru out a regular plane and applied one of the shaders in the set to it.
oh, I think I may see whats going on here. I applied it to a cube just now and it gets that stretchy ripped look on the Y axis. On a horizontal surface it shows perfectly. I will continue to test though.
]edit]: New test with plane rotated on the Z axis, shader applied all is fine. Darn, doesn't seem like they work at all in Iray. I was hoping they would. In Iray the plane just remains white.
@HorusRa - looks like you are using a "World Space" mapped shader setting? I don't have this set, but on the "Details" section of the product page for one of the older sets there is an explanation of how the angle of the ground affects how/whether the shader works. Read this one:
Perhaps it would be good if that piece of explanatory text was given on all similar shader sets - perhaps drop the PC+ Team a note?
(Edited to correct spelling)
I just picked this up today so haven't had a chance to really look at it Some of these come with directions you just have to track them down. It looks like it comes with bump and diffuse maps as well so it may do different things depending on which one its mapped to? I am pretty new too so probably not much help there lol,
Aha. You are so right. It does say that on that other shader. I'd agree, this should be explained on the other shaders as well, especially since I believe they are by the same PA. That explains it. I'd never had guessed they could not be applied to a Plane on the Y axis, etc. Though it does say they work up to about 45 degrees. Makes perfect sense now. Still to bad they don't seem to work at all in Iray.

Well I guess that explains everything then. Thank you all for the help. I went ahead and purchased all the others from the 'Poses and Shaders' sale that I felt I needed, along with the 2 that had been on my wishlist forever. Looks like some of them are only for horizontal surfaces, and thats fine. I was wondering why they didn't work at first, and I felt a bit foolish asking on a questions such as shaders (which we all use all the time, and I usually never have had any problems with any shaders, none that I can remember anyway, these threw me). While I was hoping they would work in both Iray and 3Delight, I'll find use for them in any 3Delight renders I do I'm sure, no doubt. Thanks again all.
oh, and thanks @ mjc1016 for lighting me up with that elton john joke.