Easiest way to nuke CMS database and start fresh?
I recently got the Smart Content database freakout (probably by installing a plugin with Daz still running) and have just spent the last hour trying to troubleshoot with no joy. Fun stuff first:
Win10/AMD 1500X/32GB RAM/RTX3060 12GB DazStudio4.22
So I initially tried to Reset Database and then do the Process Queue and Re-Import procedures. Absolutely nothing changed.
Somewhere between these steps I also deleted the cms json file.
I uninstalled Postgres CMS and Valentina from DIM - when trying to re-install thru DIM, it refused to grab the regular CMS file but downloaded Valentina, so I had to download Postgres CMS exe from the Daz website.
Did all that, re-installed everything, verified the CMS was actually running, hit the Re-Import button to try and fix the database and STILL no joy. It's still all messed up and missing over half my library.
Is there a dummy-proof step-by-step method that is actually proven to get back all my friggin Smart Content? This is getting on the level of hardcore tomfoolery and I'm getting real tired of it.
There hasn't been a Valentina installed for some time - I suspect what you had was the utility to convert a Valentina database into a PostgreSQL database, which would have done its job (assuming your system was old enough to even have a Valentina databse) when first "installed" - uninstalling and reisntalling would do nothing useful.
What exactly is the issue you are having?
Corrupted database I believe. I convert a lot of non-Daz store items into Smart Content, but after looking through my library this morning it seems something went amiss. Over half my smart content is missing - files are still fine.
So soemare still good? If you have reset the database and reimported metadata had you previously exported user data?
Well, don't I feel like a right moron. This thread can be deleted, it took me 2 hours to finally realize I had 'Filter By Context' checked off. That's normally where I start, don't know where my head was at this time. I think it filtering stuff without anything in the scene was throwing me off course. Once I loaded a base G3F I saw the problem immediately.
Smart Content is all good, if anything now it should be cleaned up of any weirdness I had going on. My bad!