Modify MHX Sidebar
So I've noticed for awhile that the Diffeomorphic MHX sidebar has a list of layers for different bone groups (Root, Spine, IKs, FKs, etc). It looks like those layers correlate with the skeleton layers under the model's rig. I usually take certain bones from the skeleton and dupli-place place them into empty available layers (usually in the second block, bottom row, first spot). Is there a way to get that particular layer to show up under the sidebar UI for MHX as a specialized layer with its own name? Or is that something to do with coding and scripts?
With version 1.7.2 mhx provides two "custom" and one "unused" layer that you can fit to your needs. Other than that you need to change the layer names in the code if this is what you need, there's no way to change the layers names via the mhx interface.