a "mirror" script

in New Users
Does anyone have a good script that would mirror the pose of a figure? I've been trying to do this with "Symmetry" in the "Parameters" pane with no results.
What do you mean no results? What settings are you using? Does your pose use any of the Pose Controls on the root of the figure, or does it use only local bone transforms?
It should work correctly in the Parameters pane, what steps are you taking, and what is not working for you?
"no results" means that the model remains unchanged. As for the settings, there aren't many things to change in,that dialog box, but no matter what I select or change, nothing happens. Attached is a screen shot of the "symmetry" dialog box showing what I've surmised to behow to set it up. The pose shown in attch2 is the result of a pz2 pose preset; since the model is selected in the "scene" pane I assume that means the root is selected. Frankly, I don't know how to answer re the "local bone transforms."
Again "not working" means nothing happens. Attach1 shows the settings I've been using in the "symmetry" dialog.
I think i messed up with the attachments, so I'll re-submit them.
A HA! ! changed the "Propagation" variable to "Recursive" and it worked; the pose became mirrored.
Usually, unless you want to restrict the effect, you'd set the Nodes option to Root which, with Recursive Propagation and Mirror Tunnk Nodes, will swap the whole figure around.
Thank you Jimmy_C for your help and prompt response.
And thank you Richard for your help; I greatly appreciate all the help and guidance you've given me over the years. :O)
You should uncheck all Scaling and Translation boxes as these can do "Weird Things" (tm of Spotted Kitty LLC).
Some of Design Anvil's pose sets includes a Mirror Pose preset that executes a Mirror Pose script.