Creating God Rays?
I'm using Daz and Iray...and I'm using the MAR Atmocam. This adds a volume of haze to a scene, and occasionally that results in God rays when light streams through a window frame. I'm having a tougher time getting a atmospheric volume around an object. For instance a car sitting on a foggy street. If light comes form the left there should be some fog-shadow lines to the right. Any tips on how to get such a thing working?
Do you have a link to a picture example of what you mean? A photo is okay, just any example of the effect.
Anything that leaves shadows through fog.
Aha! Well, I have AtmoCam, let me test it.
This was done in 3DL...but the principle is the same. Careful placement of the volume, the shadow casting objects and the lights...they all have to line up 'right' to get the effect you want.
Here's a demo scene out of DS 4.8 (it will work in 4.9) that does get shadows out of the fog volume. It requires AtmoCam and the free G3F Figure Essentials. Look at the area around her hands for the ray shadows.
You have to have a bright light behind a figure or item that is smaller than that figure or item, and a more dimly lit environment, basically. I used a spotlight set to "point."
Thanks for the help. It really is a matter of fine tuning light, atmo, and object. And thanks Sickle for the great tuts.