Ron's Photoshop Brushes

in New Users
I'm not sure where this question belongs, so perhaps I'll just put it here. :/
I'm having tough time using Ron's Photoshop Brushes pack that I've obtained recently. The problem is that when I start browsing for the relevant files in Adobe Photoshop CS (that's what I'm using and that's what these brushes require) does not see ANY .abr files that store brush presets! It's such a dumb issue it isn't even worth posting!
What IS wrong here? It makes me rather mad.
Thanks for any ideas,
Daz's installer doesn't even come close to putting the brush (and other) preset files in a place where your Photoshop will find them. They don't go into your preset folders. You have to manually move them there, if that's where you want to locate them from.
is this where you are loading them from?
I keep my brushes in a folder called Brushes and only load them into Photshop when I need them, espcially large brushes. Ron's brushes do tend to be large. I don't leave them loaded once I have finished either, I always "reset brushes" to return the toll to default.
If I kept all my rushes loaded I dread to think how long PS would take to boot up.
DIM puts them in the right place for me.
Which is? ...
The thing about using the presets folders is that they are user and application version specific -- at least for previous CS versions (like CS5, the one I have). I don't know if Photoshop CC uses a more generic folder structure or not. Example:
C:\Users\MyUserName\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5
(And if I prefer to keep presets in the program folder -- not a good idea, IMO, but Adobe allows for it -- then there's the question of whether to put it in the 32- or 64-bit program files folder. Decisions, decisions.)
But like Chohole, I only put a scant few presets into the preset folders. Everything else is loaded under demand, using folders of my own devising.
Have you told DIM, in the Applications tab of prefernces, where your PS version(s) are installed? The brushes will then (probably with a UAC prompt on Windows) go in /Presets/Brushes/ in each application folder and appear in the Brush Preset pane's option menu.