How to make graphic novel style via lighting?

Hello everyone! I'm pretty new to daz, still learning the quirks and ins and outs of the program. I'm trying for an exaggerated, somewhat cartoony/stylized graphic novel style for a game project. I was given a filter through filterforge that does this -
out of this.
The top left is the closest to what I'm looking for, though not quite as bright/overexposed as that. This is another example of the ideal I'm trying for.
Anyways, still very new, any and all help with this would be greatly appreciated. I've tried the toon filter with poor results, would ideally like to have a lighting rig do most of the heavy lifting, like what happened with the aiko bundle. I can also make edits to the filter itself, and provide any information that you need. Thanks a ton for any help, and apologies if this is the wrong forum!
You might be interested then in one of the Shaders for various styles. There are some toon shaders in the store for some figures.
There are also these:
Also, in the rendering options there's a drop down arrow for type of render. Regular or default and then one for toon renders.