Daz horse 3, G9 posing problem, what am I doing wrong?
I have Daz horse 3. I have Genesis 9 characters. When I load DH3 and G9 into a scene, parent the horse to the G9 character, add in this case the English tack, apply a pose preset, the horse poses, but he G9 figure doesn't. If I try and parent the G9 figure to the horse, the same result. The horse poses but the G9 figure doesn't. If I parent the G9 figure to the saddle, same thing. The horse poses but the G9 figure doesn't. If I use the smart content library option when the G9 figure is selected in my scene tab, even if there's no horse or tack in the scene, those poses show up as compatible but when I try and apply one, I get an error message.
So either I'm doing something wrong or there's a glitch. I can't tell which.
Parent G9 to the Hip node of Horse 3...before apply H.Pose to Horse 3.
PS: Tip - remember to check the product page on docs.daz3d.com... http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/read_me/index/89195/start
The vendor usually give notes there ~~
The 'H Pose' flag is an indicator that it's a heirarchical pose. Maybe the heirarchy is the wrong way round. Should the character be parented to the horse rather than vice versa? It does matter. I don't have the set so can't say from experience.
I've tried that. I've tried the horse parented to the figure. I've tried the figure parented to the horse. I've even tried the figure parented to the saddle which is parented to the horse. In every instance, the pose is only applied to the horse with the saddle. The figure remains at the default pose.
Ah, okay. That worked. Would have been nice if that info was made available from a thumbnail in the product folder in the MyDAZStudio library. Like this:
Agreed ~~ this would be a much better way to show a Tip to users !