[solved] Dolly Heels for G8F & Genesis 8 "Does Not Exist" Error

TynkereTynkere Posts: 834

By accident, found that "Dolly Heels for G3 & G8F" isn't recognized as a G8F resource in DS 4.21.   If put them on a saved 8.1F character, I get "Unsupported -->  choose from pulldown menu"  Genesis 8 female isn't a choice.

OK, try shoes on 8.1 basic female.  Error msg...

"Unable to find Genesis 8.1 Basic Female.  The file does not exist."   Right click and browse to default folder on C drive.   The .duf file loads fine.    Shoes don't work.

Load G8 basic from Windows Explorer.  Shoes work fine.  "Fit to" G8.1F --> "Unsupported"  -- Genesis 8 female is not a choice in the pulldown menu.

Turns out all G8 and 8.1 basic (male and female) have same "File does not exist" error.   Can right click and browse to file location.   Open .duf file from Windows explorer just fine.   

1.)  What might be causing inability to load Genesis 8 actors from within the app itself?

2.)  What would dork up shoes?  They didn't change foot in G8 to 8.1 did they?  

Granted, it's an old product and shoes always seem hit or miss.


Suggestions welcome.  Can always save basic G8 as characters or scene subsets.   If others replicate "Dolly Heels" not working on G8.1F guess I'll uninstall/retire the product.

Post edited by Tynkere on


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,816

    I imagine you checked that you didn't load the G3 version of the shoes by mistake?

    G8 is not a choice in autofit menu for G8.1 as you shouldn't need to autofit G8 stuff to G8.1.
    If it's indeed the G8 version, check what is listed as "prefered base" in the settings for the shoes (Edit > Figure > Scene Identification). It should be "Genesis 8/Female" IIRC.

  • TynkereTynkere Posts: 834

    Good call.  Opened from Windows explorer .....People > G8 female > clothing > Dolly Heels !Genesis8 Female.duf

    (n scene tab, Scene ID stuff had itself listed or pulls downs were blank.  Chose Follower/wardrobe/footwear & G8F for the other slots.

    'Fit to' G8.1F & shoes follow as expected.  I might be missing a step.  Can still move parented 'fitted' shoes on x,y,z  (Don't think it's supposed to do that but happy it works at all.)


    Thanks for your help & enjoy holidays

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