Newbie here

in New Users
I just want to say hi. I'm looking forward to learning as much as I can. I became intrigue with learning more about Daz after I saw a few Youtube videos.
Welcome. I am new, too. This forum has been a TREMENDOUS help. Also, join the Platinum Club + . It easily pays for itself.
Welcome. Some tips when posting threads that can help you and those trying to help. When you have a question on something, use a short phrase that summarizes. Like if you're trying to work with Daz Studio and need info on how to apply morphs but don't know where to find them, the title could be: DS 4.9 - Where do I locate G3M morphs and how to apply? That identifies what version of the program you are using and what figure you're trying to work with. It's a good idea to tell us what platform you're using, OS and graphic card/memory. Then, if we continue with the morphs example, what morphs you're looking for and did they come from a particular package.
Just remember that the more descriptive and accurate you can be, the easier it is for us to answer and address your problem. You'll find many are very helpful. Especially here in the New Users forum where volunteers look for what problems they can assist.
Welcome to the club! Its a lot of fun and everything you read above is good info. Especially the forum advice and joining the platinum club. It really does pay for itself in no time! No question is a dumb question so don't be shy. It can seem overwhelming at first but you just have to hang in there.
Third the platinum club. And come over to the newbie challenge thread. We focus on one thing a month and I can't even tell you much its shortened my learnign curve. You can go back through the old ones and pick up a huge amount of info as well.
Once you start putzing with doing renders, the Art Studio forum is also a fun place to put your renders and works in progress.
Questions are great for the New User forum as so many folks jump in to help, it's extremely supportive here!
Welcome to DAZ!
Once you get the feel for your new software, the best way to get advice and improve your renders is to take part in the New Users Contests, which are designed to be educational and fun at the same time, and also you can win Prizes.
How do? Have fun, dont hesitate to use the forums... defenitely join PC+, it will save you alot of money.