Anyone had luck fitting the new Vo Xiao Hua Armour release to anything at all?
The only G9 I can get this to fit to is Victoria 9. Other advertised shapes like Olympia don't work, and of the plethora of G9's I have, I haven't been able to fit this product to a single one (with the one exception being Victoria 9). Mesh grabber also can't seem to grab it, so I can't just do a few micro tugs on the mesh to cover up bits.
Anyone have any luck with this product at all?
Vo Xiao Hua Armour for Genesis 9
1920 x 1080 - 430K
Post edited by suffo85 on
I got mesh grabber to finally grab it, not sure what was going on there but restarting Daz seemed to work some sort of magic. Not sure when the last time I restarted it actually was lol. Still same results when trying to fit the armor to other actors and supported shapes though. The G9 I like the most wasn't nearly as bad as Olympia so I only needed to grab a few bits.
EDIT: User error. I must've been awake as long as Daz has been running, somehow I missed all the shaping options inside the product. I haven't tried them out yet but they were what I was missing, just couldn't fathom how I was supposed to fit this to Olympia with just mesh grabber alone, haha. Found them when I went looking for materials to try to reduce some of the emissions. Definitely a *facepalm* moment.