New computer - transfer content this way (or not)???

in New Users
I have a new computer and a HUGE library of content. From reading other posts, does this method work?
1) Download and install Daz Studio on new computer
2) Transfer Daz Install Manager Archive of accumulated Daz purchases (Daz zip files) to new computer
3) Download and install Daz Install Manager, set up download and content locations, and then... does Daz Install Manager then "see" the zip files, so you can choose to install them???
I'd just try this and see what happens, but then maybe it would just create problems that would be hard to fix.
You can also transfer the isntalled content and the manifests folder, but if the content directories aren't the same as on the old machine the install location will be wrong in DIM. You can also export the metadata from DS on the old machine and reimport it on the new to keep any custom categorisation you may ahve done.