Window's Do Not Render
I'm having trouble getting windows to render. The just show up as gray checks - even if there is a background that you would see looking out of them. I'm using 3Delight as my render engine. I'm also using some render presets that I've found here in the forums. It doesn't matter if I use the high quality setting or the draft quality the windows don't render.
Any ideas?
Can you show an example and a screenshot of your render settings?
Progessive Render - Off
Bucket Order - Horizontal
Bucket Size - 16
Max Ray Trace Depth - 0
Pixel Samples x - 12 Pixel Samples y - 12 Shadow Samples 32
Gain 1 - Gamma Correction OFF - Gamma 1
Shading Rate .10
Pixel Filter - sinc
Pixel Filter Width X - 8 Pixel Filter Width Y - 8
Max Ray Trace depth of 0 means no raytracing will occur. Transparency is a raytracing function. You need at least a depth of 2. Also, a 12 x 12 pixel sample is way too high, along with a shading rate of 0.10 (really no need to go below 0.20 and even that is a bit on the low side) and your filter depth of 8x8 is not needed...the default for sinc is 6x6. You really only need to increase the pixel samples if you are doing depth of field or motion blur...and rarely would 12 x 12 be needed, even then.
Nothing to do with your window problem but...
...Shadow samples at 32 is also really, really high.
(...and if you are using an Intel then a bucket size of 16 is really small. )
The "gray checks" you are getting is the empty background of the DS scene. I would say the the background you have is not rendering for some reason or the angle you're rendering from is missing the background.
And as "background" can mean anything from a image plane, or imported background image, or an HDRI environment, you need to specific as to what kind of background you are using.
Thank you!