Were is the Read Me for Above the fog

the promo page for this product refers to a readme file... I presume it is supposed to help one figure out how to use the product.... Well I redownd it and well lo and behold no read me no explanations nothing......
Plus there is this thread about it http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/65141/above-the-fog-for-iray-and-3delight-now-available-commercial/p1
The readmes are unfortunately not included in the download anymore, you have to find them on the site yourself and download or copy-paste them that way.
Which is a source of irritation and a time-waster for no discernible purpose. Or maybe I'm the only one who feels that way.
Thanks Guys sorry didnt comment earlier but this post got lost. Again thanks
No - five years later, I feel that way too. Considering the price of this product, I don't think some proper instructions is too much to ask!
Have you looked at the readme? http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/read_me/index/23201/start