Missing Assets Not Really Missing?????
Hello - I'm trying to load a hair figure that I recently downloaded and installed. When I load the figure on the model I received the message listed below. However when I trace the file paths listed below they lead directly to the files listed as missing. When I continue to load the figure it show as a gray block covering the models head. I've downloaded and reinstalled the files thinking that I missed something or did something wrong but I can't figure out what that may be. Any ideas?
Thanks - Cammy
Some assets needed to load the file were missing. The content may not work as expected. The following files were missing:
/data/outoftouch/Miranda Hair/Miranda Hair/Morphs/outoftouch/Base/Fit-G2F.dsf
/data/outoftouch/Miranda Hair/Miranda Hair/MirandaHair_55806.dsf
Is the Data folder in the actual content directory - the one that appears listed under DAZ Studio Formats in the Content Library pane - not in a subfolder? You should not see the Data folder when you look in the Content Library pane if it is correctly placed.
Thanks - I don't see the data folder in the content library pane. I see Daz Studio Formats - My Daz 3D Library - People - Genesis 2 Female - Hair - Miranda Hair - MATS
When I look in my windows file directory I see the "missing" files right were they should be. For instance the morph file is in the folder with the other morph files and the other file is in the Data folder where it seems it should be.
And the Data folder is in the my DAZ £D LIbrary folder? So you have My DAZ 3D Library/data/outoftouch/Miranda Hair/Miranda Hair/Morphs/outoftouch/Base/Fit-G2F.dsf
Sort of - I have the following paths in my data folder which is in My DAZ 3D Library/data;
C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library\data\outoftouch\Miranda Hair\Morphs\outoftouch\Base\Fit-G2F.dsf (along with other .dsf files)
C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library\data\outoftouch\Base (This folder contains the same files as the path above)
C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library\data\outoftouch\UV Sets\outoftouch\Base (This path contains a single file Default.dsf)
The other missing file MirandaHair_55806.dsf is located in the following path C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library\data\outoftouch\Miranda Hair (It sits by itself in the same directory as the UV Sets folder and Morphs folder)
Does this make any sense? Thanks for all of your help!
It looks as if the zip was mispackaged - assuming you haven't moved files within the Data folder yourself. Check that those paths match the ones in the original zip, if not redo the installation, if they do I think you need to let the vendor know though you could try moving the .dsf files to match the locations in the error as a temporary work-around.
Thanks for your help! THe weird thing is that the .dsf file listed in the error are in the exact locations specified in the error. The files seem to be where they should be.
In the reported error Miranda Hair is listed twice (.../Miranda Hair/Miranda Hair/...) while you have it once (...outoftouch/Miranda Hair/Morphs...).
Also, you have "..data\outoftouch\Base.." which Im guessing is wrong. It probably should be at least ...data\outoftouch\Miranda Hair\Base..if not Miranda Hair twice. Usually after artist name comes product name.
I suspect the Base folder should be in the Morphs folder, but trying to rebuild the correct tree structure would be very tricky.
Thanks for all of your help! I appreciate it!