Spawning a Morph from a D former

 I watched two tuts about apwning a morph from a Dformer and both said to bring up the Dformer tab check the three boxes at the bottom click Spawn and name your Morph.  Then your dformer will dissapear and you will have a new Morph. 

Seems easy enough but it aint working. I get a morph that says Dformer..which I'm not entierly sure wasn't there before the spawn and My Dformers are still there. Am I missing something. I can't figure it out. .Can anyonehlep me out?


  • The "DFormer" slider is there to let you cotnrol the strength of the DForm, it isn't a morph. Which figure are you using, and what do you have selected when you click the Spawn Morph button? You should have the item you want morphed selected, and you should then get a dialogue box prompting for a name.

  • Slms34Slms34 Posts: 75
    edited December 2015

    The "DFormer" slider is there to let you cotnrol the strength of the DForm, it isn't a morph. Which figure are you using, and what do you have selected when you click the Spawn Morph button? You should have the item you want morphed selected, and you should then get a dialogue box prompting for a name.

    I'm using V4. I thought maybe it had to do with the fact that I was making a chin morph yet I chose the entire model. So, I tried to make the morph after selecting the just the V4 head.

    This worked ..somewhat. I was able to create a morph this way. However every time I spawn a Morph a dialong comes up and asked if I am sure I want to delete an active D-former. There are several of them. I'll attach a pic. It seems as if it is asking me to delete some morphs that already in the model..if I'm not not wrong. So I chose No, and went through with it, and then my Morph shows up.

    I'm just confused because both the tuts I saw said nothing about this dialog. I'm not sure if I am making another mistake or this is just somethign they failed to mention. I don't know what to do about this. I assumed that the box I checked that said "Delete applied d-fomers", was to delete the dfomers that I had created after they spawn a Morph..but now I'm counfsed. I'll attach screen shots of the d-forms panel prior to spawing and the dialog that comes up after spawning.

    ScreenHunter_1471 Dec. 08 14.23.jpg
    379 x 646 - 60K
    ScreenHunter_1478 Dec. 08 14.27.jpg
    562 x 172 - 18K
    Post edited by Slms34 on
  • Victoria 4 uses magnets (DForms) to help with posing, you don't want to delete those or the figure will not work correctly. I thought the spawn would ignore hidden nodes, which the posing DForms should be.

  • Slms34Slms34 Posts: 75
    edited December 2015


    Victoria 4 uses magnets (DForms) to help with posing, you don't want to delete those or the figure will not work correctly. I thought the spawn would ignore hidden nodes, which the posing DForms should be.

    Oh good to know. I didn't delete them, I clicked 'No' when it asked me if I wanted to delete them, and it Spawned a Morph. It seems like it works fine.I just wanted to make sure I didn't do something wrong, since they didn't state in either tut I saw that a dialog box would come up about the d-forms.

    Post edited by Slms34 on
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