Does Daz Just Hate Gigabyte Aorus Motherboards? (Daz Software Family Products Won't Start)
Hi all,
I was reading an old thread, and it looks like I've entered a slightly un-pleasant club.
My PC died two weeks ago and after exhausting my own skills, and my wife's, we sent it to be repaired (not powering on, no life in the motherboard, etc). The repair place did all the lab tests and diagnosed it as being a dead motherboard, which they replaced with a Gigabyte Aorus Elite.
Immediately, I found myself unable to use Daz, getting the error: "DAZStudio.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION at 0033:00000000000D6740"
The same happens for Install Manager. I've also tried the Public Beta as well as the vanilla Public build of Daz I use (the one you get if you do nothing and just take what the website recommends.)
My system is:
OS Edition Windows 10 Pro
Version 22H2
Installed on 21/01/2024
OS build 19045.3930
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19053.1000.0
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60 GHz
Motherboard: Gigabyte Aorus Elite z390
Installed RAM 32.0 GB (Crucial Ballistix)
PCIe: 1TB Western Digital Blue
SSD: Adata 630
HDD: Toshiba somethingorother
GPU: Nvidia Geforce 3060
What I've tried:
* Everything in this thread:
* 3 Fresh installs of Windows 10
* 4+ Fresh installs of NVIDIA drivers, plus two swaps from Studio to Game Ready and back
* Replacing DLLs with ones that were put on the Daz Blog (I think) that were hoped would solve the issue
* Flashing my bios
* Authorising the ports that Daz uses in my Firewall.
Does anyone have an answer? Did anyone suceed in sorting this out? I've spent thousands on Daz over the years, and it looks like I either have to buy a new PC (which I can't afford) or just lose this aspect of my art.
(I've asked Daz's tech support but not heard back yet.)
Well, not in general - I have an Aorus, though it is several years old now and has an AMD processor. Is that the full error or do you get any additional information?
Hello mate -- thank you for the reply. There's a 296 page error log, but I'll be honest that it's absolutely over my head, which I've attached as a PDF, but it goes over my head.
I did notice a lot of Intel folk with similar motherboards to mine (Gigabyte Aorus z390s) reporting the same situation, so I have a horrible feeling it's something endemic, but I would have hoped that since most of the reports are from a few years ago, it would have been patched out by now.
(I'm also getting RAM errors, which is equally baffling, since I even ordered and tried other RAM that was listed in the mobo's manual as compatible, and it didn't help)
That does sound as if the new motherboard may not have entirely fixed the issue - it raises the possibility that the CPU too is faulty/damaged (assuming it, and other parts, carry over from the old build).
That's my thought too - if I'm replacing the CPU, I've seen a couple of Motherboard kits that aren't too bad. I can upgrade to a 12th gen i9, which will still give me a performance boost, so in a few weeks, I might well do that.
So I have a custom build I did myself, using a Gigabyte board, but I have an AMD CPU and not Intel. I'm using Win11 Home and not 10, and I get crashes and BSOD all the time. Someone on reddit said I probably have bad RAM, but this build I'm using is over 2 years old. I did the same thing--clean installs of Windows, had something happen where the CMS SQL server thing went into recovery mode, and I ended up uninstalling Daz a few times. So yeah, I feel your pain. Funny thing though--I can run Daz with Linux fairly fine. Everytime I add or remove something from the scene, the Daz window goes back to windowed and I have to maximize it again.
Argh, that sounds like a pain. I was thinking of trying Linux, but over the week it's become clear that when my mobo died and was replaced with a Gigabyte, it took damaged my CPU too.
It's a pain. If and when I get my next machine, I'm concerned about going for an Asus after the issue with overvolting on the 670s, but I don't want another Gigabyte.
Bah, I'll find a away around it.