a default sitting and standing pose for every generation

the base poses have become increasingly wacky each generation
Genesis 9 I have never seen anyone sit so unaturally
I would love it if there was a simple boring identical default idle stand and sit for each generation one could use for reference for set building, clothing draping presets etc
a starting sit morph that matches it in skirts everyone can use
not that stand for M4 and Genesis 1 everyone laughed about thrusting his personality out though
the kid one not too bad
cannot say I like genesis 1 sits either, too busy, legs and hands, was thinking a simple sitting down for a job interview type pose no splaying legs all over the place and crazy arm positions maybe resting on legs or folded in lap

Male Standing 02.png
91 x 91 - 6K

Kid Standing 03.png
91 x 91 - 6K
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