Remapping BVH/FBX facial motions to work in DAZ4 Studio pro

TheMightyThorTheMightyThor Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

Hi I am also looking into an explanation of how DAZ uses facial expression as far as imported BVH files. Is DAZ using a different naming convention than that of MAYA? i am helping Beta test some new software that uses a Kinect to capture the face/head and sicne i am not an expert in thsi arena and would like to see this product used for DAZ as some form of plugin, i hope some one can help me map out the differences that one would have to over come to create a BVH file compatible with DAZ studio.

in Question right now are the following:

JOINT head
OFFSET 0.000000 7.568306 -0.328589
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
OFFSET 4.296339 13.439968 6.370011
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
End Site
OFFSET -11.339998 -14.359978 6.194510
OFFSET -4.296339 13.439968 6.370011
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
End Site
OFFSET 0.000000 0.380142 5.739993
JOINT hair
OFFSET 0.000000 19.670086 7.949996
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
End Site
OFFSET 0.000000 -19.309929 11.890001
JOINT tongue
OFFSET 0.000000 2.470100 4.139996
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
End Site
OFFSET 16.419769 -10.079849 -7.159996
OFFSET 9.009401 16.130016 -1.780000
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
End Site
OFFSET -16.419769 -10.079849 -7.159996
OFFSET -9.009401 16.130016 -1.780000
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
End Site
OFFSET 0.000000 -19.256779 16.476170
JOINT bottomTeeth
OFFSET 0.000000 6.730469 -0.342403
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
End Site
OFFSET 10.378880 -2.525692 -0.488114

these are items that appear to be non standard as far as BVH files are concerned, at least these were items not recognized by the developer of the new software. this developer is planning on an FBX export for his software, i am asking for a BVH export for DAZ.

I am not all knowing in the ways of BVH or FBX or How daz uses either, i am hoping some one can explain in a little more detail i can provide to the developers to over come these differences.

thanks in advance



  • ReDaveReDave Posts: 815
    edited December 1969

    What figure is this for, Genesis? The Genesis figure has names for both Nodes and Actors, I have absolutely no idea which one is correct for BVH import (before Genesis it used to be "Node"). For Actors the head appears to be named Head (capital h), and the eyes are named Eyes.The tongue Node is named tongueBase, then tongue01 to tongue05 and ends with tongueTip. There is an Actor name for Ears but no Node, and definitely no hair Node. I also do not see a Teeth geometry definition.
    Here are the node names, BTW:
    You can find them in the file named \data\DAZ 3D\Genesis\Base\genesis.dsf
    I'm thinking the problem may be that some of those children bones are undefined and thus the head joint returns an error? However I don't think it used to do that.

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