Help with Gen3 Autorigged Clothing
Hey everyone! I've got an issue with the posing of autorigged clothing. The issue pertains to strange warping of the clothing's mesh when being posed on the figure it was autorigged to. When the clothing item is not fitted to the figure, however, it moves and bends fine with no unusual warping despite still using bones generated from autorigging. I've tried playing with weight mapping, adding/removing of bones, and scrubbing the internet for a possible solution to no avail.
I'm looking for one of two things here: the closure of knowing that this is an insurmountable issue common to all daz users, and thusly I must model my objects more cautiously around the limitations of joints. OR, more hopefully, a solution to the problem, of course. If more information is needed, let me know and I'll provide whatever info I can.
I've attached two files, of a simple bracer I've made. In both pictures, the bracer has been autorigged to the left forearm of Gen3F, the Left Forearm Bend bone of Gen3F has been bent to -135 degrees (note that no deformation is present when the position is neutral, but gets progressively worse with increased flexion), and the Left Shoulder Twist general weight map of the bracer has been removed (it was causing some unwanted stretching over the elbow). In fact, both pictures are of the exact same file, but the second one was posed after unparenting the Gen3F figure from the bracer.
To be clear, the first image (1) shows the deformity, the second image (2) shows the bracer in the desired shape. Thank you in advance for any help/advice offered!

It's most likely still a weight mapping issue...
Thank you for the response mjc. Am I mistaken in believing weightmaps are localized to the object? Since the bracers in both pictures have identical weight maps and their respective joints are set to identical angles, I assumed the they would behave the same way when manipulated. Does the object borrow or blend weight maps from the parent when it is "fitted" to another figure?
Can you post a pic of the bracer with the bones showing?
I'm not 100% sure of all the differences between being parented and not parented, but I know there are some...especially when the joints involved have JCMs (joint correction morphs) also influencing things.
Definitely! See attached. As before, 1 is deformed and still fitted to Gen3F, 2 is appearing as desired and not fitted to anything (but still has the bones from autorigging).
I'm relatively new to 3d modelling in general, and I've never heard of JCM's before! Going to look them up now to see if I can avoid wasting other people's time on the forums. Thanks for bringing this new concept to my attention!
So I've looked into JCM's and, in theory, they look like a solution to my problem. I've followed a 10 minute tutorial on making them work (This one) and all goes well until I actually use the morph. Upon changing the slider at all, the geometry of the bracer begins to either crunch in on itself or explode, depending on whether the slider is put to positive or negative respectively. When set to 100%, the bracer actually achieves the desired shape, but with geometry that looks like it was put through a garburator.
My weapon of choice for modelling is Blender, and I've tried creating the JCM's both at Blender scale and Daz scale and still get the same result. In my search for similar problems with solutions, I could only find one other who suffered the same issue on a jacket, but no solution was provided.
Has anyone else encountered this problem? Is there a known solution? I'll even settle for just the cause of the problem! Note that the bracer in the picture is still fitted and rigged to Gen3F, she's just hiddden in the viewport.
So I seem to have solved this problem. In the Morph Loader Pro form, I changed the "Load Morphs For:" field to Facet Order from Vertex Only. I have no idea what that means or what it does, but in the case of this bracer, it worked perfectly. The object now moves with Gen3F perfectly with minimal deformation and appropriate scaling of the JCM. If any one could explain what the difference is between Facet Order vs Vertex Only, I'd be appreciative, but I'm sure I'll discover it in time.
Thanks again to mjc1016 for drawing my attention to JCMs. Had you not mentioned that, I'd still be blindly looking for a solution. This is a problem I've experienced across multiple meshes and I think I now have the tools to correct it.