Mats & Mats SSS

in New Users
What, exactly is the difference? I think the SSS means subsurface shader maybe? But I'm not sure what the difference is looks wise in a render
What product are you asking about...are these older items and possibly Poser format?
The Lin character for Aiko 6. There are more character that I have that have this but I just happened to notice it on Lin when I was categorizing today. I've come across it before and finally decided to ask lol.
Ok...there were some older Poser format ones that the 'plain' ones were the ones used in Studio.
For the newer ones, especially any FWArt/Fred Winkler ones, my guess, without looking at it specifically (basing this on several other FW characters), is that the ones labeled SSS are the ones using the one of the SubSurfaceScattering shaders (omnifrealer's UberSurface or AoA's SSS Shader).
I thought that might be it but I honestly don't even know what that means lol. Off to do some research
The plain MATs are the standard Daz Default Surface.
The SSS ones are the advanced shaders.
Thank you. Not ready for advanced just yet I think. But getting there lol.
Thanks for asking Ice. I was curious too.
Glad I could help!
Same questions here....thanks! But what are Advanced Shaders? Like when it says SSS 25%, 50%, etc. What does that mean, how do you use it, what does it do to the character? Any links to forum posts that explain this?
I'll see if I can run a set of renders showing the effects...I don't have the specific set originally mentioned, but most FWArt sets have similar settings.
I ran the renders...
First up is the various SSS amounts with G2F wearing V6 Belle (because that was the easiest texture set to work with, as it has most of what was being asked about). In this first image series, she is lit with just a back light. This is to show off what the SSS effect is and what the various presets are doing. The three presets for Belle are 25%, 50% and 75%. Those are the SSS Strength values.
This second image just has the 'front' lights turned on.
The shader used it the AoA SSS shader. I turned the 'velvet' off (that's another one of the settings...). Everything else was left at the default, as loaded values.
This is great. Thank you, mjc!
mjc, thank you for the great examples.
So it appears the higher the SSS value, more light is being let into the skin?
Yes...and more scattering within. It's not like translucency, which would be a straight pass through.
awesome, good to know. I was going to try and create a figure that looks like it has thin skin so I think this will come in handy...
It's tricky to do thin skin right...because often the presets are actually overcompensating for deficiences or other things in the base textures, so it takes a lot of tweaking to get it right. It is probably best to start from scratch with a neutral base.
Thank you for those great examples. Makes perfect sense now.(i'm a really visual learner lol)