Why new content don't add to the smart library?

JohannaJohanna Posts: 119
edited December 2015 in New Users

This only works with items i bought in the DAZ Sho. Content bought on other sites and

filed correctly are not be seen by the Smart library. Why is that called smart?

The normal library always is emty. I can not see a single file there.

Who can help me please how i can import my purchased content?


Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    Hi dear Dazzer,

    i bought a lot of content for DAZ 3D and organized them all to the right place on my HD.

    I restarted DAZ several times and also actualized the Content Database. Not a single file of bought anomations,

    fashion or props show up in DAZ3D. Do i have to import the files manually? If yes how? Under menu import all

    content files are greyed out like they are unreadable.

  • Are they showing in the Content Library pane under DAZ Studio Formats>Folder you installed to or Poser Formats>Folder you installed to? If not they aren't installed correctly.

  • Merged threads - please keep the discussion to one thread so that people don't duplicate suggestions or go over ground that was covered in the other thread.

    If by "normal library" you mean the Content Library pane it does sound as if the files are not correctly installed - it's a good diea to start off using the DAZ Install Manager so that things should end up in the right place, you can then use that structure as a guide when installing content that is in a plain zip with no install option.

  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    I got the files with detailed read me text files that told exactly what folder to copy to what place. I did that and controlled 3 times. Its all in the right place. data in data, runtime in runtime and so on.

    The copy process is not the problem. How to import the files ro DAZ 3D? In Cinema 4D or Blender i import a animation and use it i.e.. How can i do that in DAZ 3D? And how can i add a new skirt?


    If this problem would show up with 1 or two items i bought i would thing i made something wrong. But its like 20 items that dont show up.

    All files bought on the DAZ 3D Website, using the installer work flawless :-D


  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    ah, when i activate »Update Cintent DB« the new files dont show up either. I saw all other files have a order number from DAZ 3D Shop. Maybe that is the failure? No number, no automatic load?


  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    With Normal i ment: HD / User / My DAZ 3D Library / ...


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Go to Edit > Preferences > Content Library > Content Directory Manager and post a screenshot of both Daz format and Poser Format, expanded.

  • Basically Smart Content only works for DAZ purchased content which also has metadata (and even then, it's pretty unreliable). I don't really bother with Smart Content as it only covers a small fraction of my content. When it works, it's nice (as it shows you what content will work with what figures), but it's so unreliable as to be almost useless in practice.

  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    Thank you, here it is :-D

    464 x 452 - 54K
  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    Thank you Sertorial, thats what i assumed. Unsmart though. Thats why i normally prefer my own folders and to import what i want to use.

    All i need is a solution how i can add meshes, textures or animations manually. A similar way i do in Cinema 4D or Poser.

    If the library would be really smart it would find the files that belong to the software.

    A hint on the Daz 3D Website would be great also that says: Works only when stuff is bought here. 

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    That looks fine.

    Does anything at all show up in the Content Library (not Smart Content) AND is the CMS service running?

  • I got the files with detailed read me text files that told exactly what folder to copy to what place. I did that and controlled 3 times. Its all in the right place. data in data, runtime in runtime and so on.

    So you merge the zip's Runtime and Data folders with the existing Runtime and Data folders, not place the new Runtime and Data in the existing Runtime and Data?

  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    I copy the new content manually into the Runtime Subfolders.

    I work on a Mac, there is no merge function for securiry reasons. Its too easy to delete a whole folder that way.

    The whole folder system of Daz is pure chaos and anarchy i found out. Never saw that on a software before.

    Most content creators use 90% given structure and invent a new idea always, haha

    These creators even break their own rules here and then.

    The results you can do with DAZ are amazing but the way to go there is »druggy« galore.

    Funny, even Second Live, wich is way bigge, way more complex and 100% user generated content follows more unwritten rules and shows more logic in file storage and content management system.

    Pray and play, Thanks a lot you for all your kind help :-D


    PS: The file system / path is case sensitive?

    Do i have to create a new folder if some creator (wich happens quiet often) mixes upper and lower case in naming folders? (poses / Poses)

  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    How can i see the CMS Servis is running?

    There is a path but i cant see a thing like green lamp that tells me: I am ok and running

    Why it needs a CMS? The given path to the content is not enough?

    For what is the CMS?

  • DS is not case sensitive, and nor - so far as I know - is the MacOS by default. If you have it set to be case sensitive that may cause issues.

    The CMS (Content Management System) is used by the Smart Content pane and by the Products and Categories lists in the Content Library pane - as well as by things like AutoFit. It isn't used by the DAZ Studio Formats and Poser Formats lists in the Content Library pane, the only thing required for items to show there is that they be installed correctly (and that the user be looking in the right folder, of course).

    Could you pick an example, ideally a freebie, that isn't working and list exactly where its files are on your machine along with the folders you have selected as content directories.

  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    Thank you Richard and all.

    Finally i found everything and it works great now :-D

    Sometimes i am a bit impatient, sorry for that. All cars must drive like a Porsche and all Software must be technically matured like Photoshop.

    3D work reminds me a lot on creating websites in the late 1990. Too much information. Nowadays its like doing a layout for print. What You See Is What You Get.


    Sorry world and friends, i will try to slow down a bit, hugs and thanks again :-D

  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    The reason for i didnt found all the content was: If you click a small field in the content pane it disappears to the left and there is no SHOW CONTENT button.

    Like this it appears empty. And since a restart of the software dont give a fresh GUI the little false click i did when trying out leads to a 5 days catastrophe.

    Recommended for DAZ3D: By default, do'nt save screen GUI settings by default. Custom design GUI layouts are great for experienced users sometimes.

    But honestly, after working with Photoshop for 30 years now, i still and always use the standard GUI.


    Its a bit like entering a friends house, you need to wee and suddenly the bathroom is gone ...

    For orientation its great if the north pole stays at the north, just for this moment ;-D


    Huggies and thank you all for great help :-D



  • Ah, sorry - I should have thought of a collapsed file panel.

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