Platinum Club Plus presales question

in New Users
I'm sure this is somewhere in the forum but I still can't get the search to work. I am considering the PC+ but I can't figure out how much I would save - PC+ items it says will be 1.99-7.99 but how do I know which is which? I want to choose specific items I am interested in and then see how much the discount would be if I joined for that particular item, but all it shows is the full price. Is it a percentage?
I can't remember when the PC became PC+ and the prices changed - figure roughly a year ago. Prior to that the price for all items was $1.99 After that the prices run from $2.49 to around $3.99; the discount is between 73% and 84%. The change was somewhere around sku 19546.
Putting the items in question in the cart, and going to the cart page will show you how much you would save, if you were a PC+ member.
You can put everything you need in the cart, and see the total, or play with them one by one to see the individual prices.
ScullyGirl- without knowing how often or how many things you want to buy, I'm guessing a bit- but the PC Club saves you quite a bit of money, and it's easy to recoup what you paid for the membership within a few purchases. You get the $6 DAZ Originals (whether they are NEW! or not) and another $6 off vendors' products, etc, after they go off new status (that one requires you spend $18 or more) It's nice to use during sales so you get the sale discount AND the $6 off (say, like the current sale!)
I'd highly recommend you try the PC+, particularly during a sale. You can't go wrong.
$10 95 PC price $2.99 $2.09 during intro period
$14.95 PC price $3.95 $2.79 " " " " " "
$16.95 PC price $4.99 $3.49 " " " " " "
Thanks all of you. I should have considered this around Thanksgiving. I'm still hesitant though because basically I have money to spend now from Christmas gifts, etc. but don't know about after. For a lot of the end of my last subscription I didn't use the coupons because I had to spend more, other than getting old DAZ originals, but I have the ones I want now. I wish you could get just a month. I love the stuff and used to save a lot, I just don't have money to spend on it as much as I used to.