Morph 3D registration?
Does anybody else have trouble creating an account on Morph 3D?
I have tried to create an account there but after submitting the information, I did not seem to create one. I haven't received a registration email and it didn't even say something like "account created, check your email.."
Since it's been advertized in the emails, I have had trouble with any number of links on said site. FF.
I.m not certain that this is the issue, Toyen, but Morph 3D was created for marketing game assets for engines such as Unity. I never created a Morph 3D specific account, since their store, or at least their products, are all accessible through the Unity store using the login credentials for Unity. Just a thought, but have you received a confirmation email from Unity perchance? Have you checked your junk email folder? As a last resort, you could create a unity account and access the content from there.