material identification

I applied a skin material to one of my figures, then did an overlay "shaved". Later on, this conflicted with another add-on, so I wanted to remove the "shaved", but I can't find any way to do this short of deleting the whole thing and re-applying.

Trouble is, for the life of me, I"ve just spent two hours meticulously going through every folder, and I simply cannot relocate the same skin material I used originally. Is there any way I can look at the current figure, and identify it from there? 

Is there any way I can simply remove the "shaved" thing also, without having to start all over like I"m trying to do? 


  • Is this a version of the texture without hair? That wouldn't be an overlay but an alternative map set. If you go into the Surface pane, select one of the skin surfaces, and hover your mouse over the little square to the left of the colour picker bar for a mapped surface (Diffuse or Base for example) you should see a pop-up with a thumbnail of the texture and the path - with luck the folder name or texture name will tell you which character set it is from.

  • Thanks! I guess this worked, it says it's from M5 Phillip. 

    This raises a second issue I have: the "search" function does not yield any results for any searches. It just creates a little highlighted folder at the bottom of my content pane with my search term as its title, but it doesn't display anything, ever. And I still can't find this phillip anywhere, sigh!

    Secondly, yes I applied ther version of the texture without hair, so if possible I still would like to know how to just "undo" this and go back to the base if possible. 

  • I've done a similar thing with a lip application. I applied an iray lip shader or something (sorry I'm not good with the terminology yet...)then did a lot of other adjustments, made a render, and realized I didn't like what I had done to the lips. I have no idea how to specifically find and undo these kinds of changes...

  • Philip is the default Genesis 2 male texture - reapply the base materials in DAZ Studio Formats\My DAZ 3 D Library\People\Genesis 2 Male\Materials\ in the Content Library pane.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Once you find which folder you applied the texture or shader from (the lipstick or the shaved part) a lot of times it will have a remove option.  This will take it to grey sometimes so don't panic, just apply the new texture you want to apply.  Same goes for make up, either use the remove if it has one or just apply whichever one you think will work better it will go right over the top of it and change it

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