Iray rendering dots

So I am still very new at the Iray rendering thing. Im trying to render a scene but it always seems to be producing dots everywhere. I rendered a scene before with Iray and it was fine, but for this particular one I am doing, I am getting this problem. It seems as the longer i leave it rendering, it keeps producing the dots. Its like it gets worst everytime there is a iteration. I leave rendering for about 5 minutes. My other scenes I render for about 3 minutes and its perfect. If anyone can help it would be much appreciated.



1600 x 900 - 2M


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Are all the materials Iray materials?

    Is the render 'finishing'...if so, how long is it taking?

  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,564

    You might have to leave it rendering for more than 5 minutes to see how it turns out. And all that dark shaddow in your scene is know to produce artifacts.

    Give Iray a chance to do its job for half an hour or so to see if it improves.

  • xdeomexdeome Posts: 11

    Iray material? All i did was apply the Iray Uber Shader. The picture i attach is for 5 minutes. I did one for about an hour before and it looks the same. I am rendering picture for a story, so I usually like to try and render as fast as i can that looks "good" enough. But this one the white dots is the first time im encoutering this out of several other scenes i Did. And interesting enough, I didnt apply any kind of Iray shader and they turned out pretty good.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Okay...if you are using the Iray Uber and the Specular color is pure white, it can contribute to the fireflies.  Very reflective/glossy surfaces take a long time to properly resolve.  You can drop the color to a light grey. 

  • xdeomexdeome Posts: 11

    I only see the option that says Glossy Color, is it that one?

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Probably...can't check right now, as the machine iwth Iray is in use...but just bumping it back a litte from pure white.

  • RafmerRafmer Posts: 564

    Usually, converting to Iray Uber shader tends to reduce the glossy roughness to a minimum; check that value in all surfaces surfaces.

  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    There is a very fast and easy way in Photshop to remove the »fireflys«.

    Use the Filter: «Remove Scratches«

    If you do a good job on the 2 settings it works without loosing vivible quality.

  • They are indeed fireflies as suggested. 

    There are a number of ways of dealing with them one is to allow longer render times, but this may not remove them if the issue causing them is severe. Generally I find when they are as bright as shown it is either to do with the brightness of the light creating them or the interaction between the light and a specular setting on the surface they appear on. They tend to occur mostly in the shaded area's of a surface with a bright light.

    While there is no direct way of removing them permanently from all renders during rendering, there are various ways to mitigate the effect in a render. As already suggested look at the settings for both the surface casting the light or light source and the Specular/Reflective settings for the surface they are manifesting on. As suggested look at the Glossy Color setting make sure it isn't a stark white and also maybe increase the glossy roughness. WIth the light surface you maybe want to bump it down a little to. 

    There is some info here regarding what each setting does on the Iray Uber Shader - Basic concepts  its worth a look to get a better idea what the settings will do and which you need to modify to lessen or remove the fireflies. And you can always touch up a little in post as suggested if it's not possible to entirely remove them.

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