Installing for One User On Windows

I have several accounts on my Windows 64bit computer. Most are admin, some not. All should have permission to install programs. However, when I try to install DAZDIM it asks for elevation, trying to install to my highest priority user. Is there an installer for single user account that I can't find? Or how do I work around this? My goal is to have seperate and indipendant users on my computer.


  • Steven-VSteven-V Posts: 727

    DIM and several DAZ elements always ask me for elevation when I install as well. I am not sure if there is a way to install without it.

  • You should not be asked for elevated privileges unless you are installing applications, plug-ins, or some scripts and shaders that need to place files in the application folder - genral content should be accessing only your own user folders or the Public user folders and should run with regular privileges.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    And, yes, if you are installing the Essentials content packs. they contain elements that need to go into the application folder (at least the Genesis Starter Essentials...not sure about the others, as there are shaders in there that need to be isntalled).

  • Genesis Starter Essentials doesn't drop anything in the application folder, nor as far as I know do the others. Default Lights ad Shaders does, as does Scene Builder for DAZ Studio, and of course the plug-ins - FBX Exporter, Photoshop bridge, GoZ, Dynamic Clothing Control and Decimator.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Yeah, the Scene Builder does...not the Starter Essentials.  But some of the base content packs do drop stuff in the application folder, not all of them.

  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    Under Windows, if you are installing any program that needs to make changes to system files (most do), such as the DAZ Studio program or the DIM executable, then it is the Windows UAC (User Access Control) applet that kicks in automatically and requires the elevation of priveleges. This, however, seems to be inconsistently implemented and some times requires that the installation be run as Administrator (the actual Administrator user account), and sometimes allows any user account with administrator priveleges to complete the task. Why? I have no idea, but it is not an uncommon thing in my experience. In any event, if what you really want is to restrict access to the program to only specific users, then installing the program with the Administrator account should not be an issue. Once the program is installed, you need only find the executable file (i.e. DAZStudio.exe), right click on it and select Properties, then open the Security tab and you can change the users and priveleges there to suit your needs.

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